

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-03 08:21

  本文選題:分眾傳媒 切入點(diǎn):私有化 出處:《哈爾濱商業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, under the background of the rising temperature of China's A-share market, the increase in overseas listing costs, the decrease in financing efficiency, and the impact of domestic listing policies, etc.Chinese companies are increasingly motivated to go public in a highly valued domestic market, with many U.S.-listed Chinese technology companies looking to delist and return to China's capital markets.On the one hand, from the point of view of national strategy, it is necessary to guide the return of high-quality Chinese stock companies in order to increase the reform of capital market, which provides a good investment target for China's capital market.So that the capital of our country can be transferred to the new economic enterprises by means of marketization, so that the innovative enterprises can grow rapidly, share the growth value of the new economic enterprises, further accelerate the pace of the economic structure transformation, and promote the virtuous circle.To China's economic restructuring and upgrading to provide assistance.On the other hand, these enterprises return to our country's capital market has particularity, the domestic and foreign market has the disparity price difference, also has the very big arbitrage space as well as the shell resources in the market serious speculation behavior.With the further deepening of the reform of the capital market, more new economic enterprises will choose to return to the domestic capital market in the future.Therefore, it is of great significance to evaluate the possible impact of the return of Chinese shares to A share market and to perfect the relevant laws and regulations through the study of the case of the privatization of focus Media through the case of backdoor listing.Through the research and analysis of the case of the successful return of Qixi Holdings to A shares through the privatization of focus Media, the method of combining theory with practice is adopted, and the research method of normative research is used.From the angle of M & A, this paper analyzes the motivation and scheme flow of the privatization of focus Media.Through the analysis of the plan of private delisting and backdoor borrowing of focus Media, this paper explains the mode and advantages of setting up a four-tier structure of privatization-buy-out main body, and probes into the mode of listing of focus Media through backdoor listing.This paper expounds the particularity of the regression process of the focus media, explains the reasons for the successful backdoor listing of the focus media privatization, and puts forward the choice of the regression mode and the backdoor mode according to the reform process of our country's capital market.The return of Chinese stocks should do something wrong, and select the policy of carefully discriminating the return of Chinese stocks.And from the market and regulatory level to the privatization of Chinese companies, red chip return, backdoor listing put forward the corresponding countermeasures.


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