

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-02 02:36

  本文選題:磁致伸縮 切入點:扭轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)波 出處:《南昌航空大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As the main mode of transportation pipeline of oil and gas transportation, plays an important role in the production of transport. Pipeline defects generated in the long-term use and special environment become the main problems of oil, gas and petrochemical industry. With the rapid development of national economy, the number of pipeline application increases, the corresponding pipeline in service security situation work and life prediction also needs to be strengthened, in order to ensure the normal operation of production. Therefore, how to quickly, to realize the detection of pipeline in service condition accurately, become the primary task of nondestructive testing. The natural science foundation of the state (5126102451675258), the national key research project (2016YFF0203000), the Education Department of Jiangxi province the science and technology research project (GJJ150699) in Guangdong province and the open project of digital signal and image processing technology key laboratory (2014GDDSIPL-01) research funded under the mining Modal guided wave sensor on the ferromagnetic pipeline for nondestructive detection with magnetostrictive torsion. Propagation characteristics of torsional modes of guided waves is not affected by the influence of the presence of liquid in the pipe, and the T (1,0) mode at all frequencies is nondispersion. This type of sensor can achieve single point detection, and the guided wave propagation distance and speed. However, the detection signal in low SNR is the magnetostrictive ultrasonic guided wave detection of the main faults, so the study of magnetic force coupling for magnetostrictive torsional guided wave excitation and its influencing factors to improve the efficiency of guided wave detection is of great significance. This paper from the relevant theories. Simulation and experimental study of two combination of magnetostrictive torsional mode guided wave sensor is researched. Firstly, elaborated the magnetostrictive guided wave detection technology is introduced. The basic theory of ferromagnetic material The basic characteristics of the magnetostrictive effect of guided wave detection system to the mechanism described in detail, and then according to the guided wave multi-mode and dispersion characteristics are given torsional guided wave dispersion equation. At the same time, combined with the literature given for ferromagnetic material of multi field coupling linear model. Secondly, introduced. Torsion sensor detection principle and structure of the magnetostrictive guided wave modes, including torsional wave propagation in pipe and torsional excitation process control equation of guided wave mode was established. By numerical simulation of torsional modes of magnetic coupling model of three axis force sensor excitation wave end by using finite element software COMSOL, loading and solving the magnetic. The distribution of the internal pipe. Based on the analysis of displacement of a particle inside the pipeline near the magnetic field of the magnetostrictive force, through the analysis of particle vibration law in the circumferential and axial number The value of the incentive model of guided wave characteristics and propagation characteristics of torsional modes of guided waves and the ferromagnetic material is compared. The results show that the ferromagnetic pipeline in the circumferential bias magnetic field, magnetic field and dynamic synthesis direction is single, and the magnetostrictive effect dominates. Finally, according to the simulation results to determine the incentive the model accords with the guided wave propagation characteristics of torsional modes of guided waves in ferromagnetic materials, the circumferential vibration, wave generated along the pipe axial propagation, propagation direction and perpendicular to the direction of particle vibration. Through the simulation analysis of strain can be produced You Li magneto acoustic multi field coupling, can reflect the magnetostrictive torsional mode the telescopic guide wave, guided wave factors and guided wave enhanced research provides a foundation for the further research on incentive. Again, the magnetostrictive torsional mode guided wave detection system to build an experimental platform. Too excited to calculate the velocity of guided wave and torsional wave velocity theory for comparison, to determine the experimental excitation of guided wave modes for torsional wave. The ferromagnetic pipeline for circumferential bias magnetic field established simulation model of torsional wave excitation, the frequency from the current intensity, excitation signal, discuss the changes of different under the influence of the magnetostrictive sensor excitation region particle vibration displacement of three cycle. In order to verify the validity of the simulation results, the pipe experiments were carried out under different factors detection, and the collected waveforms were analyzed. The results show that as the excitation signal conditions change, change of peak particle the amplitude of vibration and echo have certain rules, can be analyzed to select the optimum excitation conditions, consistent variation and simulation results and experimental results, so the imitation It can be used as a model of magnetostrictive guided wave excitation and detection of reference. Finally, the magnetostrictive torsional mode guided wave excitation sensor structure optimization, torsion wave sensor structure by ultrasonic detection of the pipeline mode guided by cross coil magnetostriction. First introduced the influence of guide wave sensor bias magnetic field in magnetostrictive effect and secondly introduces the principle of cross coil excitation and sensor structure, numerical simulation results show that the magnetostrictive sensor cross coil can effectively excite torsional waves and that the synthesis of magnetic field intensity vector direction in the pipeline? Has an impact on the particle vibration amplitude. The results showed that in different materials, there is always a the best direction makes the vibration amplitude? Best. And then use the sensor structure cross coil experiments, results show that cross the line Ring type sensor excitation energy can be used to produce torsion wave, and the simulation is verified by experiments, the two have good consistency. Therefore, the magnetostrictive sensor cross coil technique is a useful and effective tool for pipeline inspection, under this experimental conditions, when the dynamic magnetic field strength constant, close to a an optimal synthesis direction of magnetic field intensity vector direction of the bias magnetic field and magnetization loop nickel belt, guided wave amplitude is best, is conducive to enhancing the SNR and the defect sensitivity.



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