

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-01 10:24

  本文選題:通信行為分析 切入點:大數(shù)據(jù)處理策略 出處:《吉林大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development and innovation of computer technology, Internet technology has already penetrated into all aspects of our lives. The concept of "Internet" has emerged quietly and has become the "new normal" of the development of various industries. The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) has released the 39th National Statistics report on Internet Development. The report shows that as of December 2016, the number of Internet users in China has reached 731 million and the number of mobile Internet users has reached 695 million. The number of people using the mobile Internet continues to increase, and the explosive growth of network data has not stopped. How to deal with these big data and then tap its potential laws and application value, In this era, data is the most valuable asset in the information world, and big data is another major technological change in the information technology industry. Big data will have more and more tremendous influence in various fields, opening up a new way for the development of this field. From the instruction set within the CPU to the Mars exploration project of mankind, communication has become the most basic element of the information age. The generation of data can not be separated from a variety of communication behaviors. With the rapid development of the Internet of things and the mobile Internet, the data generated by communication become more diversified. To find out and summarize the characteristics of communication behavior, so as to provide help for the policy management of network management, network monitoring and equipment management, has become a matter of concern. What should be noted is that the "communication behavior" of users studied here is not only "human". It can also be the behavior of intelligent devices, network terminals, virtual environments and all other "objects" that can produce communication behavior. In this context, this paper studies and studies the current popular big data processing framework in view of big data's current development trend. It is decided to use the Hadoop distributed architecture as the basic platform of the system, and to compare various communication behavior analysis models, in order to understand all kinds of user communication behavior under the entire network environment as the goal, and deeply study all kinds of network protocols of the TCP/IP reference model. In this paper, a big data processing system for communication behavior analysis is designed and implemented based on Hadoop distributed processing storage technology and network protocol recombination and restore technology, aiming at the connection relationship, communication rules and general network behavior of users. To achieve the functions of reorganizing and restoring the required protocols in big data and finding relevant communication information, and statistics on network communication metadata, such as network communication, protocol usage, website browsing, mail sending and receiving, etc. To realize the mastering of the overall network communication situation, but also to analyze the specific communication behavior of the specific users who need it, to understand their communication behavior, The purpose of this system is to provide network managers with more detailed and accurate information on network communication behavior, and to help network managers better supervise network communication behavior under the background of big data. For the scientific and efficient network management model to provide a solid and effective protection.


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