

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-01 09:22

  本文選題:射頻識別 切入點:蜿蜒縫隙天線 出處:《中國科學技術大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:射頻識別(Radio-frequency identification,RFID)技術應用日益廣泛。在有些場合的應用中,對RFID標簽的形式或功能提出了新的要求,希望RFID標簽可以集成制作在金屬結構上,并具有感知環(huán)境參數(shù)(如溫度)的能力。此時,利用縫隙結構作為RFID標簽天線,表現(xiàn)出了很好的潛力。本文主要開展縫隙結構天線在新型RFID標簽設計中的應用研究。論文的主要工作包括:1)采用蜿蜒縫隙結構設計可集成制作在板狀金屬結構上的小尺寸RFID標簽天線。通過對不同彎折數(shù)的蜿蜒縫隙結構進行優(yōu)化,給出了 40×8 mm2的設計區(qū)域中的多次彎折的蜿蜒縫隙結構,并對一次折疊的蜿蜒縫隙天線進行了實物制作和測試驗證。2)開展了加工誤差條件下的蜿蜒縫隙結構RFID標簽設計及性能評價研究。以藥品鋁塑板加工誤差為例,通過定義天線結構穩(wěn)定性的參數(shù)——歸一化均方根誤差,采用拉丁超立方采樣和蒙特卡洛采樣對天線的尺寸受加工誤差的影響進行建模,給出了 RFID標簽的在加工誤差下的期望性能,設計了鋁塑熱壓工藝下的鋁塑板蜿蜒縫隙結構RFID標簽,并制作了樣品,測試結果表明拉丁超立方采樣相對于蒙特卡洛采樣有更好的有效性。3)開展了半無源RFID傳感標簽的設計研究。針對內(nèi)置有溫度傳感器的RFID芯片阻抗具有高容性電抗的特點,提出采用半縫隙結構作為標簽天線。半縫隙結構天線輸入阻抗有高感性電抗,便于與具有高容性電抗的RFID傳感芯片實現(xiàn)匹配。通過優(yōu)化半縫隙天線的結構,成功地設計了小尺寸集成溫度傳感的RFID標簽。測試結果表明,采用半縫隙天線結構可以實現(xiàn)與采用對稱振子類結構的傳統(tǒng)設計相匹敵的性能。
[Abstract]:Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is widely used. In some applications, new requirements are put forward for the form or function of RFID tags. It is hoped that RFID tags can be integrated into metal structures. And has the ability to sense environmental parameters (such as temperature). In this case, the slot structure is used as the RFID tag antenna, This paper mainly focuses on the application of slot structure antenna in the design of new RFID tags. The main work of this paper includes: 1) the design of meandering slot structure can be integrated into plate metal structure. By optimizing the meandering slot structures with different bending numbers, In the design area of 40 脳 8 mm2, the meandering slot structure with multiple bends is given. The design and performance evaluation of the RFID label of the meandering slot structure under the condition of processing error were carried out. The processing error of the pharmaceutical, aluminum and plastic board was taken as an example. By defining the parameter-normalized root mean square error of antenna structure stability, Latin hypercube sampling and Monte Carlo sampling are used to model the size of antenna affected by machining error. The expected performance of RFID label under processing error is given, and the RFID label of winding gap structure of aluminum plastic plate under hot pressing process is designed, and the sample is made. The test results show that Latin hypercube sampling is more effective than Monte Carlo sampling. 3) the design of semi-passive RFID sensor tag is carried out. The impedance of RFID chip with temperature sensor has high capacitive reactance. The half-slot structure is used as the tag antenna. The input impedance of the half-slot structure antenna has high inductive reactance, which is easy to match with the RFID sensor chip with high capacitive reactance. By optimizing the structure of the half-slot antenna, the structure of the half-slot antenna is optimized. The RFID tag for small scale integrated temperature sensing is successfully designed. The test results show that the half-slot antenna structure can achieve the same performance as the traditional design using symmetrical oscillator structure.


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