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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-31 07:21

  本文選題:數(shù)據(jù)新聞 切入點(diǎn):融合報(bào)道 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the tide of information technology, such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, intelligent terminal and so on, and the trend of media convergence, data visualization reports emerge as the times require, and data visualization practices at home and abroad are developing in full swing. Data visualization has changed the way of news production, presentation and dissemination, and injected new vitality into the news industry. It will be the inevitable trend of the future media development. The full text consists of five chapters. The introduction part is an overview of the structure and content of the full text, the research background, research significance, domestic and foreign research status, The research methods are introduced in detail. The first chapter is an overview of data visualization, mainly discusses why news visualization, which news content is suitable for visualization, and analyzes the characteristics of data visualization in big data's time. Discuss the development of data visualization, summarize the differences between data visualization in the past and data visualization in the current debate, The second chapter mainly combines the case analysis data visualization in the plane media, the television media and the network media application and the manifestation form, summarizes the common visualization type, the second chapter mainly unifies the case analysis data visualization in the plane media, the television media and the network media application and the expression form, summarizes the common visualization type. The third chapter summarizes the influence of data visualization on traditional media, newsroom and news education. Data visualization broadens information collection methods, deeply excavates news content, enriches news reporting methods and promotes media transformation. On the other hand, data visualization brings challenges to media practitioners. At the same time, it also promoted the restructuring of the newsroom and the transformation of the operational mechanism of media organizations. In addition, data visualization promoted the reform of news education. Domestic journalism colleges and universities began to add data visualization courses to cooperate with western universities and the news media. The fourth chapter gives some suggestions on how to better use data visualization in fusion reporting, and hopes that the news media will not blindly trust all kinds of data. We should investigate the authenticity and accuracy of the data sources, effectively grasp the visual design, and avoid leaving the visual functionality. At the same time, the media should make full use of the diversified data resources to enrich news clues. The fifth chapter discusses the future development trend of data visualization from the perspective of data visualization and news communication. Data visualization may be combined with many information technologies to continuously innovate the content and form of news reports, and present more interactive data visualization products. Meanwhile, visualization technology is used by the public. Data visualization will also bring new ways of making money for the media. Future news coverage will be data-driven. Visual reporting with various technical forms will become the main trend and direction of the development of journalism. Although there are still many shortcomings in the writing of this paper, we hope to contribute our own strength to the theory and practice of data visualization.


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