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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-29 22:35

  本文選題:流程管理 切入點(diǎn):項(xiàng)目管理 出處:《山東大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of railway construction in China, the number of design tasks in the railway survey and design industry has also increased rapidly. As a result, there is a serious contradiction between the design quality and the design progress of the survey and design. The overall information management level of the railway survey and design project is not high, Mainly realized computer drawing and part of management information. At present, most of the survey and design work of the design institute is transferred according to the traditional paper mode, and the efficiency is very low. In order to improve the design quality and improve the design efficiency, Standardize the design process, survey and design enterprises must establish a survey and design project management information system, improve the project information management, To change the management mode from traditional management to system management. On the basis of analyzing the problems existing in the informatization construction of survey and design of Jinan Railway Consulting Institute, the management, production and technical support will be carried out. After the service integration for the survey and design business process as the main line of integrated project process management system. Each project according to the process divided into pre-project contracting, product review, design planning, design input, design review, design output, Delivery documents, design confirmation, design changes, final technical services and other project phases. Each project phase consists of the approval process of each specific document, and the approval process for each document is signed and approved under the network conditions, The main work of this paper is to strengthen lean management, improve the production and management level of enterprises, enhance the management and control ability of enterprises, and improve the viability and competitiveness of enterprises. The design and implementation process of the Prospecting and Design Project Management system based on process Management is discussed in detail, including the system objectives and contents, the system requirement analysis, the overall design of the system, the function design, the design of the system, the design of the system and the function of the system. The main functions of the system are from the beginning of the early stage of the project to the product review, then to the design plan, design input, design review, design output, delivery document, design confirmation, design change, according to the design process. Finally, to all the project stages of technical service, the function of integrated management of survey and design is realized. After completion, the whole operation of the system basically meets the requirements of the indicators. Can run stably and can connect multiple clients at the same time and ensure database integrity and security.


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