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對(duì)大眾傳媒道德審判倫理反思.pdf 6頁(yè)

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浙 江 大 學(xué) 學(xué) 報(bào) 人文社會(huì)科學(xué)版 2009 年 8 月 1   0 Journal of Zhej iang University Humanities and Social Sciences DOI : 10 . 3785/ j . i ssn . 1008942X. 2009 . 02 . 27 1 對(duì)大眾傳媒道德審判的倫理反思 鄭根成 浙江財(cái)經(jīng)學(xué)院 倫理研究所 , 浙江 杭州 3 100 18 [ 摘  要] 在當(dāng)前的媒介化社會(huì)中,人們都期望大眾傳媒在道德上擔(dān)負(fù)起應(yīng)有的責(zé)任與義務(wù) 。不可否 認(rèn) ,這種道德期望是正當(dāng)?shù)?但與此同時(shí),我們應(yīng)當(dāng)清醒地認(rèn)識(shí)到 : 首先, 大眾傳媒的基本功能是信息告知 與社會(huì)監(jiān)督;其次,傳媒庸俗化 、瑣屑化的實(shí)質(zhì)是媚俗 ,社會(huì)公眾的庸俗化 、瑣屑化的需求心理和文化品位 與大眾傳媒的庸俗化 、瑣屑化等惡俗取向有著密切的關(guān)聯(lián);再次,傳媒倫理研究中相關(guān)基礎(chǔ)理論的缺失和 薄弱也與當(dāng)前大眾傳媒的道德失范有一定的關(guān)聯(lián) , 因?yàn)檫@種缺失與薄弱直接導(dǎo)致了行動(dòng)指導(dǎo)的無(wú)力 。 [ 關(guān)鍵詞] 道德期望; 道德審判; 道德失范; 傳媒倫理 Ethical Reflection on Moral Judgment on the Mass Media Zheng Genchen g I ns t i t ute of E t hics , Z hej i ang Uni ve rs i ty of F i nance an d Econom ics , H ang z hou 3 100 18 , Chi na Abstract : In t he cur rent mediat ed societ y , all p eop le exp ect t he ma ss media shoul d be morally account able . Its out of que stion of t he right ne ss of t he exp ect ation . Though , at t he time w hen t he obligation of t he ma ss media i s emp ha sized , we sho ul d be aware of how t he current st at u s ha s co me into bein g , and w ho or w hich shoul d be account abilit y . We mu st lear n about t he followin g . Fir st ly , t he ba sic f unction of ma ss media i s infor matio n and p ublic sup ervi sio n . Seco ndly , t he e ssence of t he t rivalizatio n of t he ma ss media i s t hat t he ma ss media i s cat erin g for t he ma ss. Thats to say , its t he ma sss t riv






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