發(fā)布時間:2020-12-10 23:56
水稻是世界上最為重要的糧食作物之一。然而,多年來,水稻生產(chǎn)受到稻飛虱的嚴重為害,稻飛虱可直接或間接為害水稻。近年來,隨著全球氣候變暖,所有生物都受到氣候變化的影響。溫度變化影響飛虱的熱耐受性及其生理機制從而改變稻飛虱對溫度的適應(yīng)性。本研究通過測定三種稻飛虱在寄主植物存在或缺失條件下的亞致死高溫和致死高溫來比較它們對高溫的耐受性差異。昆蟲往往通過防御策略來抵抗極端溫度,本研究測定了不同溫度下三種熱激蛋白基因來比較三種稻飛虱對極端溫度的適合策略。1.三種稻飛虱亞致死高溫以及致死高溫的差異溫度是影響變溫動物適合度以及生存率的主要環(huán)境因素。采用溫控韋伯管(Weber-column),比較了三種稻飛虱(灰飛虱(Laodelphax striatellus,SBPH),褐飛虱(Nilaparvata lugens,BPH)以及白背飛虱(Sogatella furcifera,WBPH))成蟲在寄主植物存在或缺失條件下的亞致死高溫及致死高溫。不管寄主植物是否存在,灰飛虱的臨界最高溫(CTmax)顯著高于褐飛虱和白背飛虱的CTmax。寄主植物存在時,灰飛虱的熱昏迷溫度(HCT)顯著高于褐飛虱和白白背飛...
【文章頁數(shù)】:104 頁
CHAPTER 1 Literature Review
1.1 Rice- Introduction and production
1.2 Global Rice consumption from 2008-09 to 2017-18
1.3 Insect pests of rice crop
1.3.1 Rice planthoppers
1.3.2 Rice leaffolders
1.3.3 Rice stem borers
1.4 Rice Planthoppers
1.4.1 Planthoppers biology
1.4.2 Significance and threat of rice planthoppers
1.4.3 Planthopper damage to rice crop
1.5 Global warming and climate change impact on insect pests
1.6 Thermoregulation in insect pests
1.7 Geographical changes in heat tolerance
1.8 Thermal tolerance indices
1.8.1 Critical thermal temperatures
1.8.2 Heat coma temperatures
1.8.3 Lethal temperatures
1.8.4 Seasonal and rapid cold hardening
1.9 Thermal indices effect on insect pests including planthoppers
1.10 Survival approaches of insects at high temperatures
1.11 Heat shock proteins and their functions
1.11.1 Heat shock protein analysis limitations in insects
1.11.2 Hardening effects in insects
1.12 Objectives
CHAPTER 2 Comparison of upper sublethal and lethal temperatures in three rice planthopper species
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Material and Methods
2.2.1 Insect cultures
2.2.2 Determination of critical thermal maximum (CTmax)
2.2.3 Determination of heat coma temperature (HCT)
2.2.4 Determination of upper lethal temperature (ULT)
2.2.5 Data analysis
2.3 Results
2.3.1 CTmax
2.3.2 HCT
2.3.3 ULT
2.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 3 Induced expression levels of Hsp90, Hsp70 and Hsp60 in three rice planthopper species in response to thermal stress treatments
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material and Methods
3.2.1 Insect cultures
3.2.2 Thermal stress treatments for analysis of HSPs
3.2.3 Planthopper survival under different thermal stress treatments
3.2.4 Isolation of RNA
3.2.5 Synthesis of first-strand c DNA
3.2.6 PCR
3.2.7 Sequences of c DNA
3.2.8 q RT-PCR Detection
3.2.9 Data analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Survival rate of three planthopper species under four different temperatures
3.3.2 Expression profiles of three heat shock protein genes Expression profiles of Hsp90 Expression profiles of Hsp70 Expression profiles of Hsp60
3.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 4 General Discussion and Conclusion
Author biography
[1]褐飛虱熱激蛋白70在不同溫度脅迫下的差異表達特性研究[J]. 單丹,王利華,張月亮,韓陽春,牛洪濤,潘磊,方繼朝. 中國水稻科學(xué). 2017(05)
[2]南昌地區(qū)灰飛虱的生活史、繁殖和越冬生物學(xué)特性[J]. 王柳風(fēng),傅淑,肖亮,陳超,薛芳森. 昆蟲學(xué)報. 2013(12)
[3]江浙麥區(qū)灰飛虱春季種群的發(fā)生消長和遷飛動態(tài)[J]. 賀媛,朱宇波,侯洋旸,姚士桐,陸志杰,金周浩,張孝羲,翟保平. 中國水稻科學(xué). 2012(01)
[4]低溫脅迫對灰飛虱種群生長發(fā)育與繁殖的影響[J]. 安志芳,張愛民,劉向東. 應(yīng)用昆蟲學(xué)報. 2011(05)
[5]稻飛虱:國際視野下的中國問題[J]. 翟保平. 應(yīng)用昆蟲學(xué)報. 2011(05)
[6]二化螟熱休克蛋白70基因的克隆及熱脅迫下的表達分析[J]. 崔亞東,陸明星,杜予州. 昆蟲學(xué)報. 2010(08)
[7]水稻齒葉矮縮病毒的研究進展[J]. 鄭璐平,謝荔巖,連玲麗,謝聯(lián)輝. 中國農(nóng)業(yè)科技導(dǎo)報. 2008(05)
[8]溫度對灰飛虱生物學(xué)特性的影響[J]. 張愛民,劉向東,翟保平,顧曉瑩. 昆蟲學(xué)報. 2008(06)
[9]高溫及水稻類型對灰飛虱種群的影響[J]. 劉向東,翟保平,胡自強. 昆蟲知識. 2007(03)
[10]昆蟲耐寒性的測定與評價方法[J]. 景曉紅,康樂. 昆蟲知識. 2004(01)
【文章頁數(shù)】:104 頁
CHAPTER 1 Literature Review
1.1 Rice- Introduction and production
1.2 Global Rice consumption from 2008-09 to 2017-18
1.3 Insect pests of rice crop
1.3.1 Rice planthoppers
1.3.2 Rice leaffolders
1.3.3 Rice stem borers
1.4 Rice Planthoppers
1.4.1 Planthoppers biology
1.4.2 Significance and threat of rice planthoppers
1.4.3 Planthopper damage to rice crop
1.5 Global warming and climate change impact on insect pests
1.6 Thermoregulation in insect pests
1.7 Geographical changes in heat tolerance
1.8 Thermal tolerance indices
1.8.1 Critical thermal temperatures
1.8.2 Heat coma temperatures
1.8.3 Lethal temperatures
1.8.4 Seasonal and rapid cold hardening
1.9 Thermal indices effect on insect pests including planthoppers
1.10 Survival approaches of insects at high temperatures
1.11 Heat shock proteins and their functions
1.11.1 Heat shock protein analysis limitations in insects
1.11.2 Hardening effects in insects
1.12 Objectives
CHAPTER 2 Comparison of upper sublethal and lethal temperatures in three rice planthopper species
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Material and Methods
2.2.1 Insect cultures
2.2.2 Determination of critical thermal maximum (CTmax)
2.2.3 Determination of heat coma temperature (HCT)
2.2.4 Determination of upper lethal temperature (ULT)
2.2.5 Data analysis
2.3 Results
2.3.1 CTmax
2.3.2 HCT
2.3.3 ULT
2.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 3 Induced expression levels of Hsp90, Hsp70 and Hsp60 in three rice planthopper species in response to thermal stress treatments
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material and Methods
3.2.1 Insect cultures
3.2.2 Thermal stress treatments for analysis of HSPs
3.2.3 Planthopper survival under different thermal stress treatments
3.2.4 Isolation of RNA
3.2.5 Synthesis of first-strand c DNA
3.2.6 PCR
3.2.7 Sequences of c DNA
3.2.8 q RT-PCR Detection
3.2.9 Data analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Survival rate of three planthopper species under four different temperatures
3.3.2 Expression profiles of three heat shock protein genes Expression profiles of Hsp90 Expression profiles of Hsp70 Expression profiles of Hsp60
3.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 4 General Discussion and Conclusion
Author biography
[1]褐飛虱熱激蛋白70在不同溫度脅迫下的差異表達特性研究[J]. 單丹,王利華,張月亮,韓陽春,牛洪濤,潘磊,方繼朝. 中國水稻科學(xué). 2017(05)
[2]南昌地區(qū)灰飛虱的生活史、繁殖和越冬生物學(xué)特性[J]. 王柳風(fēng),傅淑,肖亮,陳超,薛芳森. 昆蟲學(xué)報. 2013(12)
[3]江浙麥區(qū)灰飛虱春季種群的發(fā)生消長和遷飛動態(tài)[J]. 賀媛,朱宇波,侯洋旸,姚士桐,陸志杰,金周浩,張孝羲,翟保平. 中國水稻科學(xué). 2012(01)
[4]低溫脅迫對灰飛虱種群生長發(fā)育與繁殖的影響[J]. 安志芳,張愛民,劉向東. 應(yīng)用昆蟲學(xué)報. 2011(05)
[5]稻飛虱:國際視野下的中國問題[J]. 翟保平. 應(yīng)用昆蟲學(xué)報. 2011(05)
[6]二化螟熱休克蛋白70基因的克隆及熱脅迫下的表達分析[J]. 崔亞東,陸明星,杜予州. 昆蟲學(xué)報. 2010(08)
[7]水稻齒葉矮縮病毒的研究進展[J]. 鄭璐平,謝荔巖,連玲麗,謝聯(lián)輝. 中國農(nóng)業(yè)科技導(dǎo)報. 2008(05)
[8]溫度對灰飛虱生物學(xué)特性的影響[J]. 張愛民,劉向東,翟保平,顧曉瑩. 昆蟲學(xué)報. 2008(06)
[9]高溫及水稻類型對灰飛虱種群的影響[J]. 劉向東,翟保平,胡自強. 昆蟲知識. 2007(03)
[10]昆蟲耐寒性的測定與評價方法[J]. 景曉紅,康樂. 昆蟲知識. 2004(01)