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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-16 07:32

  本文選題:汽輪發(fā)電機(jī)組 + 信息融合; 參考:《華北電力大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the process of vibration fault diagnosis of turbine-generator set, there are several questions: 1. 1. Different faults show similar fault characteristics, increasing the difficulty of fault identification. 2. Due to the complexity of the structure and the variety of operation conditions of turbogenerator sets, the diagnostic techniques based on different methods sometimes conflict, leading to errors in diagnosis or treatment methods, which can not meet the requirements of long-term safe and stable operation. In the process of fault processing, only single channel or two channel information is chosen for fault identification and processing, and the vibration information of each section of rotor can not be fully utilized, which often results in the deviation of processing results. Therefore, it is very important to improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis. In this paper, the application of information fusion technology in field fault diagnosis is studied based on the information fusion theory, and the field fault identification and treatment are carried out by combining the vibration information of multi-span rotor and multi-section. The main research work is as follows: according to the theory of information fusion, the method of identifying the magnitude and direction of unbalanced faults by information fusion is verified by experiments. Combining with the theoretical formula of information fusion technology and the mechanism of similar vibration fault, a three-dimensional multi-section information fusion model is compiled by MATLAB, and the vibration data of similar fault are sampled, and the difference of similar fault in information fusion technology is analyzed. The mechanical model is established, the axial position of rotor under unbalanced fault is deduced by the harmonic component method, the correctness of the theory is verified by the experiment bench, and the vibration data of many sections of the rotor are further measured. According to the amplitude-phase relation of the section, the spatial mode diagram of the rotor is made, and the unbalanced fault is added to a certain part of the rotor, and the correlation between the unbalance fault location and the response of the measuring point is analyzed. According to the fault identification method of information fusion technology, the 3D information fusion model established by MATLAB is inputted to the 3D information fusion model based on the field vibration data in the process of field actual processing. The information fusion technology is used to solve the vibration fault problem of the unit under working conditions. The application of information fusion technology in the field is adjusted according to the complexity of the field operation. The research shows that the information fusion technology can identify similar faults and has high reliability in field application. It is an effective method for rotor vibration fault diagnosis.


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