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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-15 22:30

  本文選題:溫度 + 葡萄糖; 參考:《分析化學》2017年01期

【摘要】:針對酶注射式葡萄糖生物傳感器在實際使用中因為標定液與被測液的溫度不同而引起的測量結果不準確問題,提出一種基于溫度的葡萄糖濃度檢測方法。首先根據(jù)酶促反應動力學建立目前酶注射式葡萄糖生物傳感器濃度檢測模型,之后利用阿倫尼烏斯公式建立溫度與濃度檢測動力學模型中未知參數(shù)之間的關系,并將此關系代入濃度檢測動力學模型中,以建立基于溫度的濃度檢測新模型。此模型以溫度與酶促反應的電流初始斜率為輸入值,以被測葡萄糖濃度為輸出值,利用此模型提出了以反應混合液的溫度和反應初始電流斜率推導被測液濃度的檢測方法。利用改進的檢測方法進行檢測,不僅能夠降低溫差的影響,提高檢測的準確性,還可以省略常規(guī)檢測中的人工標定,避免人工標定所需的取樣探頭拆卸步驟,更加有利于在線使用。分別在25.0,30.0和42.0℃下檢測1.5 mg/m L和2.5 mg/m L葡萄糖溶液,利用原檢測方法與基于溫度的檢測方法進行檢測,結果表明,基于溫度的檢測方法回收率均在95.0%以上,明顯優(yōu)于原檢測方法。
[Abstract]:In view of the inaccuracy of the measurement results caused by the temperature difference between the calibrated solution and the measured liquid in the practical use of the enzyme injection glucose biosensor, a temperature based glucose concentration detection method is proposed. According to the kinetics of enzymatic reaction, the current concentration detection model of enzyme injection glucose biosensor was established, and then the relationship between temperature and unknown parameters in the kinetic model of concentration detection was established by using Arrhenius formula. A new concentration detection model based on temperature was established by inserting the relationship into the concentration detection kinetic model. In this model, the initial current slope of the enzymatic reaction is taken as the input value and the glucose concentration measured as the output value. Based on this model, a method for deriving the measured concentration from the temperature of the reaction mixture and the initial current slope of the reaction solution is proposed. The improved detection method can not only reduce the influence of temperature difference and improve the accuracy of detection, but also omit the manual calibration in the routine test, and avoid the sampling probe disassembly steps needed for manual calibration. More conducive to online use. 1. 5 mg/m / L and 2. 5 mg/m / L glucose solutions were detected at 25.0 and 42. 0 鈩,




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