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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-20 22:09

  本文選題:霍爾傳感器 + 溫度漂移; 參考:《強(qiáng)激光與粒子束》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Hall sensor is a kind of semiconductor device, its sensitivity drift with temperature change, which limits its application in high precision magnetic field measurement. Although the traditional temperature compensation method completely compensates the first term of the temperature change, the error of the quadratic term of the temperature change is introduced. Therefore, the traditional temperature compensation method is no longer suitable for high precision measurement where the temperature change is significant. A closed-loop feedback circuit is designed. Temperature signals are collected by temperature sensor, and the final output signal of the signal processing circuit is calculated and sent back to the input end of the signal processing circuit for compensation. The temperature signal is not simply added to the input signal of Hall signal and then sent to the signal processing circuit. The simulation results show that the sensitivity drift of Hall chip can be completely compensated by adjusting the feedback ratio coefficient of compensation circuit and the temperature drift coefficient of Hall chip. Therefore, the closed-loop compensation method can eliminate the drift caused by the temperature change without introducing the error related to the quadratic term of temperature change, which is suitable not only for Hall sensor, but also for other sensors that drift with temperature.
【作者單位】: 中國科學(xué)院等離子體物理研究所;中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)研究生院科學(xué)島分院;


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