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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-29 18:27
[Abstract]:Lidar is a powerful tool for detecting the characteristics of atmospheric aerosol light scattering. Radar ratio and depolarization ratio are two important parameters in detecting aerosol by lidar. There is a certain correlation between the two parameters. At present, however, most of the studies on radar ratio and depolarization ratio are independent and lack of necessary crossover, which limits the in-depth study of the scattering characteristics of aerosol light. In this paper, the light scattering characteristics of non-spherical aerosol particles are studied by using the discrete dipole approximation method. The correlation between radar ratio and depolarization ratio is obtained by correlation analysis and data fitting. The results are of great significance for fine classification of aerosols and fine inversion of aerosol optical properties. Firstly, the light scattering characteristics of single-particle non-spherical aerosol particles with different shape, particle orientation and complex refractive index are calculated by using the discrete dipole approximation method, and the effects of each parameter on radar ratio and depolarization ratio are analyzed. On this basis, the influence of axial ratio on the radar ratio and depolarization ratio of population ellipsoidal aerosol is studied. When the axial ratio is increased, the radar ratio of the dust aerosol increases first and then tends to stabilize, and the depolarization ratio increases first and then decreases, then tends to stabilize. The radar ratio and depolarization ratio of soot particles are almost independent of axial ratio, and both of them decrease with the increase of wavelength. The radar ratio of water soluble aerosol increases by a small extent with the increase of axial ratio, and the depolarization ratio increases at first and then tends to stabilize with the increase of axial ratio, while the radar ratio and depolarization ratio decrease with the increase of wavelength. The radar ratio and depolarization ratio of the insoluble aerosol at different wavelengths are basically the same. The radar ratio increases with the increase of the axial ratio, and the variation law between the depolarization ratio and the axis ratio is not obvious. Finally, the effects of aerosol composition on radar ratio and depolarization ratio of continental and desert aerosol are studied. The correlation between radar ratio and depolarization ratio is analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient, and their correlation models are established by data fitting. The results show that the radar ratio and depolarization ratio of continental aerosol are negatively correlated and the quadratic polynomial fitting model can accurately describe the correlation between them. The radar ratio and depolarization ratio of desert aerosol are negatively correlated, and the linear fitting model can describe the correlation between them.


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