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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-29 08:25
[Abstract]:With the development of human society and culture and science and technology, digital media provides a better platform for the high-speed dissemination of information. The emergence of digital reading has changed people's traditional reading habits, from physical-based paper book reading to virtual mobile interface reading, from traditional printed paper media to mobile electronic media. With the change of the environment, the electronic books have been paid more and more attention. Literature electronic books as a new form of literary dissemination, in the aspect of visual communication, literature paper books and electronic books appear the trend of competing with each other. This paper attempts to analyze the development of literature electronic books in the mobile interface from the perspective of visual communication design, from two aspects: the connotation expression of literary artistic conception and the visual presentation of literary elements. First of all, the paper systematically analyzes the relevant theoretical knowledge in the field of literature e-books through the method of literature materials. In the mobile interface, this paper expounds the changes of visual characteristics brought about by the reading of electronic books compared with the static reading of paper books, and brings abundant changes of spatial dimensions to people's visual cognition of reading. Secondly, the mobile interface supported by digital media technology, because of its unique dynamic interaction characteristics, brings high efficiency and memory persistence for the transmission of reading information. Third, through the comparative analysis of the current market related to e-book reading mobile interface for competitive analysis. The proportion of electronic reading which is dominated by literature is less, the e-book reading based on network novels is popular, and the phenomenon of intermingling between good and bad is more prominent, which makes the development pattern of literature e-books unbalanced. Finally, through the combination of theoretical knowledge and design practice, the design elements and corresponding design methods of Chinese e-books in mobile interface are summarized. The development of literature e-books is to adapt to the needs of the digital reading era and to maximize the spread of paper-based literature books in reading. With the increasing development of information technology and the change of people's reading style, it is necessary to explore the digital reading mode and visual expression form suitable for literary books to meet the aesthetic needs of the general public. To provide people with a more pleasant literary reading experience has a certain practical significance.


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