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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-26 11:25
[Abstract]:At the same time, the co-frequency full-duplex technology can effectively improve the utilization of spectrum resources and alleviate the current shortage of spectrum resources. However, due to the limitation of self-interference, it has not been widely used for the time being. At present, the core problem to be solved at the same time is the self-interference problem. Common self-interference suppression schemes include antenna self-interference suppression, radio frequency self-interference suppression and digital self-interference suppression. The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, a typical RLS digital self-interference suppression scheme is studied, and the WL structure is introduced into the full-duplex self-interference suppression scheme. In this paper, we mainly analyze and verify the effectiveness of the typical RLS used in the suppression of full-duplex digital self-interference in single and two-receive digital signals. At the same time, we introduce two main self-interference suppression structures for two-send-two-receive full-duplex and analyze their self-interference suppression performance. Secondly, the scheme of DCD-RLS digital self-interference suppression is studied. In this paper, the principle of DCD-RLS algorithm is introduced, the realization flow of DCD-RLS algorithm in complex field is given, and the performance and complexity of DCD-RLS algorithm are analyzed. At the same time, the performance of the DCD-RLS self-interference suppression scheme is verified and analyzed for single-send single-receiver and two-send-two-receive full duplex. Thirdly, the BA-CD-RLS algorithm is proposed, and the self-interference suppression scheme based on the algorithm is studied. This paper introduces the principle of CD algorithm, puts forward the BA-CD algorithm, gives the implementation flow of BA-CD-RLS algorithm, and analyzes the performance and complexity of BA-CD-RLS algorithm. The performance of the BA-CD-RLS self-interference suppression scheme is verified and analyzed for the single-send single-receiver and two-send-two-receive full duplex. Finally, several self-interference suppression schemes discussed in this paper are summarized and compared. Nine self-interference suppression schemes based on three RLS algorithms are summarized in this paper. The performance of six self-interference suppression schemes based on DCD-RLS algorithm and BA-CD-RLS algorithm is compared and analyzed. The complexity of three RLS algorithms is analyzed in detail. These work provide the basis for the scheme selection in different application scenarios. In this paper, several schemes of digital self-interference suppression using RLS algorithm in the same frequency full duplex are studied, and the performance of each scheme is verified, analyzed and compared. In this paper, a new RLS class implementation algorithm for FPGA implementation is proposed. It is verified that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the computational complexity of RLS digital self-interference suppression scheme with little influence on the performance of self-interference suppression.


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