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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-23 15:47
[Abstract]:The rapid development of urbanization has brought the problems of medical treatment, social security and so on. How to solve these problems well has become a hot topic discussed and studied by many scholars. Non-contact physical sign detection as an important method provides a research direction for solving this kind of problem. Because of its strong penetrating ability, anti-jamming and high resolution, UWB radar plays an important role in the field of non-contact physical sign detection. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the detection of physical sign signal based on UWB radar in the field of non-contact physical sign signal detection. From the aspect of signal processing, according to the pattern classification as the guiding ideology, according to the signal pattern characteristics of each component of the sign signal, the direct wave elimination and multi-target recognition, respectively, are carried out in this paper. The separation and recombination of the target signal is used to detect the physical sign signal. On the basis of analyzing the main technical route and typical algorithm of physical sign information detection, the general technical route of this paper is put forward. The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, several typical non-contact detection methods and radar-based physical sign detection algorithms are summarized, and their advantages and disadvantages are compared. Based on the analysis of UWB radar system, the characteristics of UWB radar in physical sign detection are analyzed, and the vital sign signal model is established. At the same time, the quality evaluation criteria of two algorithms are summarized, and the quality evaluation of the algorithm is carried out from the whole and local angles respectively. Secondly, the direct wave is analyzed and the mathematical model of the direct wave is established, and the direct wave suppression algorithm of FastICA based on K _ (L) transform is proposed. The effectiveness of this method in direct wave suppression is verified by experiments on static single-person targets and moving single-person targets, and the iterations with ICA,K-L, running time and carrier-to-interference ratio are also verified. The advantages of the algorithm in iteration speed and computational complexity are proved by comparing and analyzing the objective performance such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Thirdly, on the basis of the analysis and research of the traditional signal extraction methods, the respiratory and heartbeat components in the sign signal are analyzed. Aiming at the deficiency of traditional EMD method such as endpoint leap and bad quality of traditional EEMD reconstruction signal, the physical sign signal extraction algorithm based on EEMD and BP optimization strategy is studied, and the extraction of single sign signal is studied experimentally. Experimental results show that the algorithm not only overcomes the problem of EMD endpoint continuation and avoids the phenomenon of endpoint leap, but also improves the signal-to-noise ratio of reconstructed signals. It is verified that the algorithm is suitable for the extraction of concrete signal components from physical signs. Finally, the signal characteristics of multi-target human body are analyzed and a double signal model is constructed. On this basis, the MUSIC method is derived theoretically, and the theoretical model and the algorithm realization steps of the MUSIC algorithm in this paper are studied. The experimental results show that the method can effectively identify the number of human body target signals, especially in the multi-body target signal recognition, and has high resolution, and the experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively identify the number of human body target signals, especially in the multi-human body target signal recognition. Strong anti-jamming ability and other advantages.


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