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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-20 21:13
[Abstract]:Full polarization radar system is a hot research direction in radar field at present. It is hoped that the information received by radar system can be expanded by using the polarization characteristics of electromagnetic wave to improve signal to noise ratio and to detect and identify targets accurately. The modeling and characterization of polarimetric scattering characteristics of radar targets are the basic contents in the research of aerial target detection. In the research work of this paper, the numerical modeling of target scattering problem based on the mixed field integral equation is carried out. Firstly, the full polarization far-field scattering of a simple target is calculated and analyzed. Based on the fact that the cross-polarization scattering intensity of a typical target is much lower than that of the main polarization scattering, the full polarization scattering matrix of a simple reflector is analyzed, and the excitation conditions of the strong cross-polarization scattering of the target are obtained. And the numerical modeling of the new cross-polarization scattering calibration body is carried out. The scattering characteristics of stealth target and non-stealth target in electromagnetic resonance state are compared, and the polarization scattering characteristics of two typical UAV are calculated. In this paper, inverse synthetic Aperture Radar (AAR) imaging of combined target and UAV model with multiple reflectors is presented. The difference of cross-polarization image and main polarization image reflects the difference of polarization scattering mechanism between different structures of target. In this paper, the super-resolution method based on full polarization one-dimensional echo model and two-dimensional echo model is used to extract and compare the position of strong scattering point of UAV target, and the two-dimensional super-resolution image of UAV target is obtained. The scattering characteristics of dihedral corner reflector located in free space and above sea surface are also analyzed in this paper. Finally, the scattering matrix of UAV is extracted according to the position of strong scattering point of UAV. Combined with the classical optimal polarization theory, the polarization power response diagram of the target strong scattering point of UAV is investigated in this paper. By analyzing the polarization power response of these scattering points, this paper draws the conclusion that polarimetric radar can detect and identify spatial targets better.


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