
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 信息工程論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-03-17 07:10
[Abstract]:With the rapid economic development of our country, the production scale of enterprises is expanding day by day, and the degree of production automation is constantly increasing. The safety of production has also become the focus of the enterprises and the society. The traditional manual monitoring method has some shortcomings such as lag and so on, and it is no longer suitable for the development of modern enterprises. However, the wired network monitoring system has some disadvantages such as complicated wiring, difficult maintenance, poor expansibility and monitoring blind area, and so on. It is also gradually difficult to meet the needs of the development of enterprises. Wireless sensor network has the characteristics of flexible structure, good expansibility, self-organization, multi-hop routing and so on. It is suitable for complex environmental conditions and can meet the needs of real-time monitoring in the safe production process of enterprises. In this paper, the wireless sensor network is applied to the enterprise safety production monitoring system. The data acquisition technology and the access mode of the wireless sensor network are studied, and the enterprise safety production monitoring system based on the wireless sensor network is designed. It consists of three parts: data acquisition network, gateway and remote monitoring computer. The system solves the problems of complex wiring and difficult network maintenance in the current wired monitoring network, and realizes the real-time monitoring of environmental parameters in the production process of enterprises. According to the scheme design of safety production monitoring system, hardware design and software development are carried out in this paper. The hardware design includes the hardware design of the ZigBee data acquisition network node, the circuit design of the sensor module, the implementation of the gateway minimum system and the design of the peripheral interface circuit of the gateway. The hardware design of the data acquisition network node adopts the modular design idea to reduce the complexity of the design and the interference of the wireless circuit. The software development includes the software design of ZigBee data acquisition network, the software design of gateway system and the software development of remote monitoring computer. The software design of data acquisition network includes the analysis of ZigBee protocol, the program design of terminal node, routing node and coordinator node, the software design of gateway system, including the transplantation of Linux operating system and the development of application software. The software development of remote monitoring computer includes interface design of Qt and communication program design based on TCP/IP protocol. Through the hardware design and software development of the safety production monitoring system, the functions of automatic data acquisition, long-distance data transmission and real-time display of the computer data of the safety production monitoring system are realized. This paper also studies the method of multi-sensor data fusion, and analyzes the significance of data fusion for wireless sensor networks. The realization process of adaptive weighted data fusion algorithm based on adaptive weighted data fusion algorithm and batch estimation based adaptive weighted data fusion algorithm is described in detail. Combined with the temperature data collected by the system, the multi-sensor fusion analysis of the two data fusion algorithms is carried out, which verifies that the fusion value of the adaptive weighted data fusion algorithm after batch processing is closer to the true value. And can reduce the network traffic effectively, prolong the network life.


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