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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-15 18:36
【摘要】:共形陣列是新世紀(jì)陣列天線技術(shù)發(fā)展的一個(gè)重要方向,它的應(yīng)用將對相控陣?yán)走_(dá)、隱身戰(zhàn)機(jī)、移動(dòng)通信基站、衛(wèi)星通信等領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)生深遠(yuǎn)的影響。然而,由于共形陣空間結(jié)構(gòu)的復(fù)雜性,傳統(tǒng)的陣列分析與綜合技術(shù)不再適用于共形陣。本文以共形陣列為對象,圍繞陣元的稀布優(yōu)化、波束形成以及陣元的故障診斷三個(gè)方面分別展開研究。全文的主要工作歸納如下:1.考慮共形陣的陣元方向性不一致等特殊性,給出基于歐拉旋轉(zhuǎn)矩陣的方向圖計(jì)算方法,并分別在圓柱陣和圓柱陣下進(jìn)行仿真驗(yàn)證。2.考慮陣元的有向性,以降低峰值旁瓣電平為目標(biāo),采用遺傳算法對共形半球面陣的陣元位置進(jìn)行優(yōu)化。陣元的位置由投影在坐標(biāo)平面的極坐標(biāo)表示,將半球陣的稀布優(yōu)化問題轉(zhuǎn)化為圓口徑面內(nèi)的稀布優(yōu)化問題。在優(yōu)化過程中,將陣元的最小間隔、陣列孔徑以及陣元數(shù)作為約束條件,以均勻同心圓環(huán)為模板構(gòu)造遺傳算法的初始種群,利用陣元坐標(biāo)的徑向余量以及每層圓環(huán)的相位余量,提高布陣的自由度。3.考慮期望信號的方向偏差造成導(dǎo)向矢量失配以及副瓣的抑制問題,提出一種基于pl范數(shù)稀疏約束的穩(wěn)健波束形成算法,并應(yīng)用于共形陣。該算法首先利用小半徑的球形不確定集約束對失配的導(dǎo)向矢量進(jìn)行迭代矯正,然后對旁瓣區(qū)域的波束施加稀疏約束,并作為懲罰函數(shù)項(xiàng)加入到最小方差無失真響應(yīng)(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response,MVDR)的目標(biāo)函數(shù)中,實(shí)現(xiàn)旁瓣電平的抑制。4.結(jié)合近場測量技術(shù),提出了一種基于稀疏貝葉斯學(xué)習(xí)(Sparse Bayesian learning,SBL)的陣元故障診斷方法。該方法考慮了陣列的“差分”激勵(lì)向量的稀疏性,采用SBL對該向量進(jìn)行稀疏重構(gòu),從而尋找出故障陣元的位置。所提出的方法適用于任意陣列的故障診斷問題。在共形圓柱陣下,將本方法與矩陣法進(jìn)行了仿真對比實(shí)驗(yàn)。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,在小故障比下,所提出的方法具有更高的診斷精確度。
[Abstract]:Conformal array is an important development direction of array antenna technology in the new century, its application will have a far-reaching impact on phased array radar, stealth fighter, mobile communication base station, satellite communication and so on. However, due to the complexity of conformal array spatial structure, traditional array analysis and synthesis techniques are no longer suitable for conformal arrays. In this paper, the conformal array is taken as the object, and the rarefied optimization of the array element, beamforming and fault diagnosis of the array element are studied respectively. The main work of the paper is summarized as follows: 1. Considering the inconsistencies of element orientation of conformal matrix, the calculation method of direction pattern based on Euler rotation matrix is given, and the simulation results are carried out under cylindrical array and cylindrical array, respectively. 2. In order to reduce the peak sidelobe level, genetic algorithm is used to optimize the element position of conformal hemispherical array considering the directivity of the array element. The position of the element is expressed by the polar coordinates projected on the coordinate plane, and the rarefied optimization problem of the hemispherical array is transformed into the rarefied optimization problem in the radius surface of the circle. In the optimization process, the minimum interval of array elements, the aperture of array and the number of array elements are taken as constraint conditions, and the initial population of genetic algorithm is constructed with uniform concentric ring as template. The radial redundancy of element coordinates and the phase margin of each layer ring are used to construct the initial population of genetic algorithm. Increase the degree of freedom of array arrangement. 3. In this paper, a robust beamforming algorithm based on sparse constraints of pl norm is proposed and applied to conformal arrays, considering the guidance vector mismatch and sidelobe suppression caused by the direction deviation of the desired signal. In this algorithm, the mismatched guidance vector is corrected iteratively by using the spherical uncertainty set constraint with small radius, then the beam in the sidelobe region is sparsely constrained, and added to the minimum variance distortion-free response (Minimum Variance Distortionless Response, as a penalty function term. In the objective function of MVDR), the suppression of sidelobe level is realized. 4. Based on sparse Bayesian learning (Sparse Bayesian learning,SBL (sparse Bayesian Learning), an array element fault diagnosis method is proposed based on the near-field measurement technique. In this method, the sparsity of the "difference" excitation vector of the array is considered, and the sparse reconstruction of the vector is carried out by using SBL to find out the location of the fault element. The proposed method is suitable for fault diagnosis of arbitrary array. In the conformal cylindrical array, the method is compared with the matrix method. The experimental results show that the proposed method has higher diagnostic accuracy under the condition of small fault ratio.


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1 謝菊蘭;共形相控陣波束形成與DOA估計(jì)算法研究[D];電子科技大學(xué);2012年

2 武思軍;穩(wěn)健的自適應(yīng)波束形成算法研究[D];哈爾濱工程大學(xué);2005年

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1 黃艷;共形陣的方向圖綜合及自適應(yīng)波束形成研究[D];電子科技大學(xué);2013年

2 謝朋翰;旋轉(zhuǎn)面共形陣列優(yōu)化設(shè)計(jì)算法[D];電子科技大學(xué);2010年

3 黃茜;共形相控陣中的數(shù)字波束形成技術(shù)研究[D];電子科技大學(xué);2006年





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