
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 信息工程論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-03-14 12:59
[Abstract]:In order to solve the influence of distance or obstacle on communication quality, wireless relay technology has been paid more and more attention and widely studied. In order to obtain higher spectrum efficiency, OFDM technology has also been widely used in various communication scenarios. The combination of relay technology and OFDM technology can give full play to the advantages of the two technologies, improve communication quality, improve spectrum efficiency, and provide satisfactory services for people. Radio resource allocation is one of the key technologies in relay OFDM system. Reasonable allocation of power and subcarriers can improve the performance of the system. In this paper, the resource allocation algorithm of wireless relay OFDM system is studied, and the optimization algorithm of resource allocation is proposed from relay forwarding mode, power allocation and sub-carrier matching, and so on. The main contents are as follows: (1) in order to maximize the capacity of the system, an improved relay method is applied to solve the problem of power allocation under the condition that the total transmit power of the system is limited. A resource allocation algorithm for subcarrier pairing and relay selection, which first enables the source node to transmit direct signals to the destination node again in the second time slot via the same subcarrier as the corresponding relay node, providing additional diversity gain for the system. Then the optimal method is used to calculate the power of each node on different sub-carrier pairs. Finally, the Hungarian algorithm is used to carry out the sub-carrier pairs. The detailed steps of the algorithm are designed and simulated, and the influence of power, the number of sub-carrier pairs and the number of relays on the performance of the system is analyzed. (2) in two-way multi-relay OFDM network, the performance of the system is analyzed. A joint algorithm of power allocation and sub-carrier pairing is proposed. Unlike the relay selection-based algorithm, all relays are allowed to forward the same subcarrier pair to improve the diversity gain of the system. Under the condition that the total power of the system is limited, this algorithm firstly optimizes the allocation of the optimal power of each relay by using Cauchy inequality, and simplifies the original optimal system model. Then the power allocation between the source node and the relay node is calculated by maximizing the equivalent channel gain of the sub-carrier pair. Finally, the power of different sub-carrier pairs is allocated by convex programming, and the maximum capacity of the system is obtained by combining the sub-carrier pairs. The simulation results show that compared with the optimal single relay selection algorithm and relay sub-carrier algorithm, the average channel capacity of the proposed algorithm is significantly improved. (3) in a single relay multi-user OFDM system, the average channel capacity of the proposed algorithm is significantly higher than that of the single relay multi-user system. A resource allocation algorithm is proposed to maximize the energy efficiency of the system. Under the constraints of maximum total power and minimum total transmission rate, combined with complete channel state information, this algorithm constructs a joint optimization problem of power and sub-carrier to maximize energy efficiency. Since the optimization model of energy efficiency is a nonlinear mixed integer programming problem, the solution is very complex. In order to reduce the complexity of the problem, the Dinkelbach method is firstly used to transform the optimization model into linear convex programming. Then the simplified linear programming problem is solved based on dual programming. Finally, the optimal solution is obtained by combining the Hungarian algorithm and the sub-gradient algorithm. The algorithm is based on the improved DF relay mode. When the channel state between the relay and the source node or the relay and destination node is poor, it can dynamically determine whether to use the relay auxiliary transmission signal, while guaranteeing the system traffic rate requirements. The energy efficiency of the system is greatly improved by using the method of low complexity.


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