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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-08 14:29
[Abstract]:Wireless sensor network (WSN) involves many technologies such as wireless communication sensor technology distributed information processing embedded technology and microelectronics and so on. It is widely used in the fields of transportation military medical protection and so on. In many applications of wireless sensor networks, determining the location of events is one of the key issues to be solved after monitoring the occurrence of events. Location information not only determines the location of the event, but also has the functions of network management, moving target tracking, auxiliary routing and so on. Therefore, the design of efficient WSN positioning algorithm is an indispensable part of wireless sensor network management. In this paper, the localization algorithm of wireless sensor networks is studied. The main research work is as follows: (1) the localization algorithm of WSN is studied in depth, and the advantages and disadvantages of WSN positioning technology are analyzed and summarized from three aspects: machine learning, ranging and non-ranging, so as to design high precision. Low energy consumption WSN localization algorithm provides a powerful foundation. (2) based on the research of LE-LPCCA-based localization algorithm, the local topology and distributed characteristics are introduced, and a distributed localization algorithm LE-DLPCCA. based on local preservation is proposed. The simulation results show that when the proportion of training samples is 70%, the positioning accuracy can reach 86%, and the energy consumption can be greatly reduced, thus prolonging the whole life cycle of wireless sensor networks. At the same time, the modeling speed is improved by 8 times. (3) the topology of wireless sensor networks is analyzed, the local topology and the information of non-beacon nodes are introduced, and the semi-supervised learning technology is used to study the localization problem of wireless sensor networks. A mobile node location algorithm LP-LapRLS. based on Laplacian mapping is proposed in this paper. This algorithm not only improves the generalization ability of the mapping model, but also has high modeling efficiency in the typical manifold learning algorithm. Experimental results show that LP-LapRLS has higher modeling efficiency and positioning accuracy than similar algorithms, when the ratio of training sets is 60%. The positioning accuracy can reach 84%. (4) on the basis of studying the architecture and protocol stack of wireless sensor network, the WSN positioning simulation platform is designed and implemented by using VC in VS2010 integrated environment. In this platform, the LE-DLPCCA algorithm and the LP-LapRLS algorithm are implemented. Finally, the localization effect of the two localization algorithms based on machine learning is compared and analyzed. The LE-DLPCCA algorithm is more accurate than the LP-LapRLS algorithm, and the location accuracy of the two algorithms is higher than that of the LP-LapRLS algorithm. It has increased by about 2 percentage points. However, in the case of outliers, the LP-LapRLS algorithm is robust, and the modeling efficiency is the highest in the localization algorithm.


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