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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-07 16:24
[Abstract]:After three decades of rapid development, mobile communication has gradually evolved into an indispensable tool for social development. Facing the traffic demand of the new mobile service, the fifth generation mobile communication system emerges as the times require. At the same time, 5 G technology is facing new development and challenge. Multiple access technology is one of the core technologies in the physical layer of wireless communication. The traditional orthogonal multiple access technology can no longer meet the needs of large capacity and mass access in 5G. Sparse multiple access code (SCMA) technology should be designed for 5G requirement. SCMA uses sparse codebook to realize overload, which can effectively improve spectrum efficiency and improve system performance by designing good multi-dimensional constellation diagram and SCMA user code. The improved decoding algorithm can also reduce the complexity of the multiuser detection algorithm by decoding through the message passing algorithm (MPA) at the receiving end. In this paper, the basic structure and principle of SCMA are studied, and the system model and coding principle of SCMA are introduced. Three design methods of SCMA codebook are studied, including the design of codebook based on square QAM constellation. Based on star QAM constellation codebook design and constellation rotation interleaved codebook design method, the performance of different generated codebooks under the same simulation conditions is simulated and compared. Then the SCMA decoding algorithm is studied. Because the traditional message detection algorithm involves a large number of nonlinear exponential operations, a low complexity Max-Log-MPA decoding algorithm is proposed. Under 1/2Turbo code rate, only the performance loss of 0.5dB can be achieved. Based on Turbo iterative joint decoding, a joint iterative multiuser decoding algorithm based on MPA (Max-Log-MPA) and Turbo is proposed, and its performance simulation is completed. Finally, based on the theory of this paper, the system verification and hardware implementation of SCMA decoding based on Max-Log-MPA detection are completed on FPGA. The measured results of hardware are consistent with the simulation results of software performance. The throughput of the decoding module can reach 720Mbps when the SCMA decoding module works at the 240MHz clock frequency.


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