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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-05 07:21
【摘要】:作為移動通信系統(tǒng)最核心的技術(shù),多址技術(shù)直接決定了系統(tǒng)的性能與容量。前四代移動通信系統(tǒng)均基于正交多址接入技術(shù),用戶間互不干擾,不需要復(fù)雜的多用戶檢測因而降低了系統(tǒng)復(fù)雜度。然而,隨著移動通信系統(tǒng)用戶數(shù)量與高速率業(yè)務(wù)需求的迅速增長,這些正交多址技術(shù)受限于頻譜效率與接入能力而難以滿足未來移動通信需求。因此,面向第五代移動通信系統(tǒng)(5G),有效提升系統(tǒng)容量的非正交多址技術(shù)研究受到廣泛關(guān)注。本論文針對 SCMA(Sparse Code Multiple Access)和 NOMA(Non-orthogonal MultipleAccess)這兩種最具代表性的非正交多址技術(shù)進(jìn)行了仿真,基于仿真結(jié)果,分析了干擾、功率分配等對系統(tǒng)性能的影響。論文首先對SCMA系統(tǒng)模型與關(guān)鍵技術(shù)進(jìn)行了簡要分析,并以此為基礎(chǔ)介紹了SCMA系統(tǒng)仿真平臺,包括平臺基本參數(shù)和平臺仿真流程圖等,特別討論了基于平臺的SCMA非正交多址技術(shù)仿真實(shí)現(xiàn);谄脚_,論文仿真了 OFDMA(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access)和 SCMA 兩種系統(tǒng),仿真結(jié)果表明,SCMA 在接入用戶數(shù)量和系統(tǒng)吞吐量方面較OFDMA有更出色的表現(xiàn)。進(jìn)一步,論文仿真分析了自適應(yīng)調(diào)制編碼對SCMA系統(tǒng)性能提升的影響以及小區(qū)內(nèi)干擾對有用信號的影響。隨后論文基于NOMA系統(tǒng)模型開展了 NOMA系統(tǒng)用戶間公平性研究;诶窭嗜粘俗臃ㄒ约靶^(qū)公平指數(shù)(cell fairness index,CFI)和α效用函數(shù),論文仿真了公平性約束下的功率分配優(yōu)化算法,得到了在不同的小區(qū)用戶數(shù)、不同的小區(qū)半徑和不同的發(fā)射功率下,小區(qū)的小區(qū)公平指數(shù)、頻譜效率和能量效率的變化曲線,得到的結(jié)論對于NOMA系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)具有指導(dǎo)意義。
[Abstract]:As the core technology of mobile communication system, multiple access technology directly determines the performance and capacity of the system. The previous four generation mobile communication systems are based on orthogonal multiple access technology, which does not require complex multiuser detection, so the complexity of the system is reduced. However, with the rapid growth of the number of users and the demand of high-speed services in mobile communication systems, these orthogonal multiple access technologies are limited by spectrum efficiency and access ability to meet future mobile communication requirements. Therefore, the research of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOAA) for the fifth generation mobile communication system (5G), which can effectively enhance the capacity of the system, has been paid more and more attention. SCMA (Sparse Code Multiple Access) and NOMA (Non-orthogonal MultipleAccess), two most representative non-orthogonal multiple access technologies, are simulated in this paper. Based on the simulation results, the effects of interference and power allocation on the performance of the system are analyzed. Firstly, the paper briefly analyzes the SCMA system model and key technologies, and then introduces the SCMA system simulation platform, including the basic parameters of the platform and the platform simulation flow chart. In particular, the platform-based simulation of SCMA non-orthogonal multiple access technology is discussed. Based on the platform, two kinds of systems, OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access) and SCMA, are simulated in this paper. The simulation results show that SCMA has a better performance than OFDMA in terms of the number of access users and the throughput of the system. Furthermore, the effect of adaptive modulation coding on the performance of SCMA system and the influence of intra-cell interference on the useful signal are analyzed. Then, based on the NOMA system model, the research on the fairness between users in NOMA system is carried out. Based on Lagrange multiplier method, cell fairness index (cell fairness index,CFI) and 偽 utility function, the power allocation optimization algorithm under fairness constraints is simulated, and the number of users in different cells is obtained. Under different cell radius and different transmit power, the change curves of cell fairness index, spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency of the cell are obtained, and the conclusions are instructive for the design of NOMA system.


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