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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 10:49
【摘要】:壓縮機在各個領(lǐng)域,尤其在石油、化工、機械等行業(yè)中都是一種被廣泛應用的設備,而往復式壓縮機又是用的最多的壓縮機之一,因此往復式壓縮機的故障診斷技術(shù)的研究也就受到了國內(nèi)外廣大學者的廣泛關(guān)注。也正是由于往復式壓縮機的使用范圍廣,因此其結(jié)構(gòu)類型各異,尺寸大小和壓力高低差別很大,在各種使用場合下都有各自特別的要求和問題。而且,由于往復式壓縮機結(jié)構(gòu)復雜,零部件多,發(fā)生的故障也是多種多樣的,因此對壓縮機各部分的運行狀態(tài)監(jiān)測相對來說比較困難,其故障診斷方法也比較龐雜。 引起壓縮機故障的原因往往很復雜,其中一大隱患便是壓縮機的振動,由外力或者內(nèi)因引起的振動可大可小,強烈的振動則可能會將壓縮機機座振裂、零部件聯(lián)結(jié)機構(gòu)損壞,嚴重的可能會導致壓縮機停機,影響正常的生產(chǎn)生活。也只有通過振動測量,正確分析研究,找出振動的原因,才能有效采取減振措施。當然壓縮機的故障也不僅僅是振動,還有很多其他的問題。 本文敘述了往復式壓縮機故障診斷的意義及研究現(xiàn)狀,對往復式壓縮機常見故障及機理進行了分析,并介紹了國內(nèi)外一些常見的往復式壓縮機狀態(tài)監(jiān)測與故障診斷的方法及其原理和特點,以及往復式壓縮機的故障診斷方法的難點和發(fā)展方向,最后提出了利用簡單易行的線性回歸分析對壓縮機故障進行診斷分析。對往復式壓縮機的故障診斷方法研究有著重要的意義。
[Abstract]:Compressors are widely used in various fields, especially in petroleum, chemical and mechanical industries, and reciprocating compressors are one of the most widely used compressors. Therefore, the research of reciprocating compressor fault diagnosis technology has been widely concerned by domestic and foreign scholars. It is precisely because of the wide range of use of reciprocating compressor, so its structure type, size and pressure are very different, in all kinds of applications have their own special requirements and problems. Because the reciprocating compressor has complex structure, many parts and various faults, it is difficult to monitor the running state of every part of the compressor, and the fault diagnosis method is complex. The causes of compressor failures are often very complicated, and one of the major hidden dangers is the vibration of the compressor. The vibration caused by external forces or internal causes can be large or small, and the strong vibration may crack the compressor seat and damage the coupling mechanism of the parts and components. Serious may lead to compressor shutdown, affecting normal production and life. Only through vibration measurement, correct analysis and study, find out the cause of vibration, can we take effective vibration reduction measures. Of course, compressor failure is not only vibration, there are many other problems. In this paper, the significance and research status of reciprocating compressor fault diagnosis are described, and the common faults and mechanism of reciprocating compressor are analyzed. This paper also introduces some common methods of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of reciprocating compressors at home and abroad, as well as their principles and characteristics, as well as the difficulties and development directions of fault diagnosis methods for reciprocating compressors. Finally, a simple linear regression analysis is proposed to diagnose the compressor faults. It is of great significance to study the fault diagnosis method of reciprocating compressor.


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