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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-16 23:38
【摘要】:隨著科技的進步和電子產品的普及,印制電路板(printed circuit board,PCB)在當今的電子產品中已成為不可或缺的一部分。傳統(tǒng)的PCB制作一般采用加成法,,不僅工序流程復雜、原材料消耗大,并且產生的廢水廢棄物對環(huán)境造成了極大地危害;另外,由于受到生產模式的制約,傳統(tǒng)的PCB生產方式在制造精度上也存在著無法克服的問題。PCB噴墨打印技術在縮短生產周期、降低生產成本、提高生產精度、減少環(huán)境污染等方面具有諸多優(yōu)勢,逐漸成為PCB生產的主流。近年來,采用噴墨打印技術的PCB噴墨打印機的研究也日趨成熟,已經逐漸應用到PCB的生產制造中。圖形光柵化在PCB噴墨打印機中占據(jù)著重要的位置,研究PCB打印機圖形光柵化質量改進方法對于提高PCB的制造精度具有重大意義。 該文首先介紹了PCB打印機圖形光柵化過程中的理論和方法,包括Gerber文件解析、基本圖形的光柵化算法和反走樣技術;其次,著重研究了直線和圓的光柵化算法。利用直線關于中心點的對稱性以及直線上像素點之間的相關性,對直線的Bresenham算法進行了改進,使得算法每執(zhí)行一次,就能生成關于直線中心點對稱的兩行像素點,提高了直線的生成速度。為了提高直線的生成質量,在改進的Bresenham算法的基礎上,引入了半球形濾波器算法,使得直線上的相鄰像素點的灰度值過度更加平緩,減輕了直線的鋸齒狀現(xiàn)象。針對圓的對稱性,采用了八分圓的畫圓思想,引入了圓的雙步生成概念,對圓的Bresenham算法進行了改進,使得算法每執(zhí)行一次能生成圓上的兩個像素點,提高了圓的生成速度;诟倪M的雙步畫圓算法,提出了反走樣算法,該算法能夠根據(jù)圓的每個邊界像素點在圓內的面積,確定它們相應的灰度值,使得生成的圓的平滑性更好,圖形質量提高。 最后,基于以上研究,設計并實現(xiàn)了PCB打印機圖形光柵化系統(tǒng),并經實驗驗證了上述改進光柵化算法的正確性,即能有效的提高圖形光柵化的速度和質量。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the popularization of electronic products, printed circuit board (printed circuit) has become an indispensable part of electronic products. The traditional PCB manufacturing generally adopts addition method, not only the process is complex, the raw material consumption is large, and the waste water produced has caused great harm to the environment, in addition, because of the restriction of the production mode, The traditional PCB production mode also has some problems in manufacturing precision. PCB inkjet printing technology has many advantages in shortening production cycle, reducing production cost, improving production accuracy, reducing environmental pollution and so on. Gradually become the mainstream of PCB production. In recent years, the research of PCB inkjet printer using inkjet printing technology has become more and more mature, and has been gradually applied to PCB manufacturing. Graphic rasterization occupies an important position in PCB inkjet printers. It is of great significance to improve the quality of PCB printer graphics rasterization. This paper first introduces the theory and method of graphic rasterization of PCB printer, including Gerber file analysis, rasterization algorithm of basic graphics and anti-aliasing technology. Secondly, the rasterization algorithm of straight line and circle is studied emphatically. The Bresenham algorithm of a straight line is improved by using the symmetry of the center point of the line and the correlation between the pixels on the line, so that the algorithm can generate two rows of pixels about the symmetry of the center point of the line every time the algorithm is executed. The speed of generating straight line is improved. In order to improve the quality of straight line generation, the hemispherical filter algorithm is introduced on the basis of the improved Bresenham algorithm, which makes the gray value of adjacent pixels on the line more smooth and reduces the jagged phenomenon of the line. Aiming at the symmetry of a circle, the idea of drawing a circle with eight parts is adopted, the concept of double step generation of circle is introduced, and the Bresenham algorithm of circle is improved, so that two pixels on the circle can be generated every time the algorithm is executed, and the speed of circle generation is improved. Based on the improved two-step circle drawing algorithm, an anti-aliasing algorithm is proposed, which can determine the corresponding gray values according to the area of each edge pixel in the circle, which makes the generated circle smoother and the graphics quality improved. Finally, based on the above research, the graphic rasterization system of PCB printer is designed and implemented, and the correctness of the improved rasterization algorithm is verified by experiments, that is, the speed and quality of graphics rasterization can be improved effectively.


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