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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-09 23:37

  本文選題:智能家居 + 嵌入式系統(tǒng); 參考:《電子科技大學》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著城市人口的急劇增加、社會經(jīng)濟的快速提高,越來越多的人們在享受奢華的物理空間的同時都希望有一個智能化、安全的家居環(huán)境,智能家居系統(tǒng)是將計算機、嵌入式系統(tǒng)和網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊技術(shù)集為一體,將家庭中的設(shè)備如:照明系統(tǒng)、環(huán)境控制、安防系統(tǒng)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)家電等通過家庭網(wǎng)絡(luò)連接到一起,來滿足信息時代人們高品質(zhì)的生活追求。 論文首先介紹了智能家居的概念,分析了國內(nèi)、國外智能家居研究現(xiàn)狀,在此基礎(chǔ)上提出了基于嵌入式智能家居遠程監(jiān)控系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)采取嵌入式linux為開發(fā)平臺,通信模塊為MC35I,利用GPRS網(wǎng)絡(luò)、WEB服務器可以對遠程監(jiān)控的對象進行實時訪問,實現(xiàn)遠程監(jiān)控目的。 隨后詳細闡述了系統(tǒng)的硬件和軟件設(shè)計:其中采用ARM9S3C2440芯片作為系統(tǒng)處理器,運用紅外傳感器、DS18B20溫度傳感器和MQ-2煙霧傳感器對室內(nèi)進行實時監(jiān)控,發(fā)現(xiàn)異常情況后通過GPRS向預設(shè)定好的用戶手機發(fā)送短信和現(xiàn)場圖片進行警告,,達到對家居的智能控制。系統(tǒng)硬件設(shè)計主要包括:主控芯片的選擇、電源電路的設(shè)計、USB接口電路、串口電路、GPRS模塊電路、JTAG模塊電路等的設(shè)計,系統(tǒng)軟件設(shè)計主要包括:交叉編譯環(huán)境的建立、Bootloaderr的移植,嵌入式Linux的分析,各功能模塊功能實現(xiàn)的軟件設(shè)計及程序編寫。 論文的最后對所做工作做了簡要的總結(jié),并對后續(xù)工作提出了展望。
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase of urban population and the rapid improvement of social economy, more and more people enjoy an intelligent and safe home environment while enjoying the luxurious physical space. The intelligent home system integrates the computer, embedded system and network communication technology into one, and puts the equipment in the home, such as lighting system, and ring. Environment control, security system, network appliances and so on are connected through family network to meet the high quality life pursuit of people in the information age.
This paper first introduces the concept of smart home, analyzes the status of domestic and foreign smart home research, and then puts forward a remote monitoring system based on embedded intelligent home. The system adopts embedded Linux as the development platform, the communication module is MC35I, and the GPRS network is used, and the WEB server can carry out real-time monitoring objects in real time. Access to achieve remote monitoring purposes.
Then the hardware and software design of the system is described in detail, in which the ARM9S3C2440 chip is used as the system processor, the infrared sensor, the DS18B20 temperature sensor and the mo-2 smoke sensor are used to monitor the room in real time. After the abnormal situation is found, the message and the scene picture are sent to the pre set user cell phone by GPRS. The system hardware design mainly includes the selection of the main control chip, the design of the power supply circuit, the USB interface circuit, the serial circuit, the GPRS module circuit, the JTAG module circuit and so on. The system software design mainly includes the establishment of the cross compiling environment, the transplant of Bootloaderr, the analysis of the embedded Linux, and the work of every work. The software design and programming of the module function.
At the end of the paper, the work is summarized briefly, and the future work is prospected.


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