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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:利用時域反射技術(shù)測定飽和土壤中輕非水相液體的含量 出處:《太原科技大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 時域反射技術(shù) 飽和土壤 輕非水相液體 介電常數(shù) 電導(dǎo)率 混合介電模型

【摘要】:時域反射技術(shù)(TDR,Time-Domain-Reflectometry)是一種利用電磁波在介質(zhì)中的傳播時間來確定介質(zhì)性質(zhì)的探測技術(shù),已經(jīng)被廣泛應(yīng)用于工業(yè)和農(nóng)業(yè)等多個領(lǐng)域。利用TDR測定土壤中輕非水相液體(LNAPLs,Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquids)的含量具有快速、準(zhǔn)確、可連續(xù)原位測定、無輻射以及不破壞土壤樣品等優(yōu)點。目前,國內(nèi)外利用TDR監(jiān)測輕非水相液體的相關(guān)研究還較為薄弱,LNAPLs對土壤介電特性的影響以及污染土壤中LNAPLs含量的定量預(yù)測相對較少。本研究利用時域反射技術(shù),測定飽和砂土和壤土的介電常數(shù)和電導(dǎo)率隨LNAPLs(菜籽油、機油)含量的變化規(guī)律,并在此基礎(chǔ)上,通過模型模擬及修正,確定了飽和土壤中輕非水相液體含量的預(yù)測模型。結(jié)果表明:1)飽和土壤中體積含油量在0-0.05 m3m-3時,土壤介電常數(shù)并無顯著變化;隨著LNAPLs體積含量的進(jìn)一步增加,介電常數(shù)呈線性減小趨勢;土壤容重和LNAPLs類型對相同飽和度的土壤介電常數(shù)未產(chǎn)生影響。2)飽和土壤的電導(dǎo)率與LNAPLs含量存在良好的線性負(fù)相關(guān)關(guān)系(R2=0.96);土壤容重對相同飽和度的土壤電導(dǎo)率未產(chǎn)生影響。3)混合介電模型(α=0.5)高估了飽和土壤中輕非水液體含量,平均RMSE為0.038cm3cm3;參數(shù)α調(diào)整為0.52后,混合介電模型提高了預(yù)測精度,比原混合介電模型(α=0.50)預(yù)測精度可以提高23.2%—30.4%。本研究結(jié)果表明可利用時域反射技術(shù)監(jiān)測污染土壤的介電常數(shù)與電導(dǎo)率并測定飽和土壤中LNAPLs的含量。
[Abstract]:TDR (Time-Domain-Reflectometry) is a detection technology based on the propagation time of electromagnetic waves in the medium to determine the properties of medium. It has been widely applied in many fields, such as industry and agriculture. The determination of LNAPLs, Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquids in soil by TDR is fast, accurate, continuous, in situ measurement, no radiation and no damage to soil samples. At present, the related researches on monitoring light nonaqueous phase liquids by TDR at home and abroad are relatively weak. LNAPLs has little influence on the dielectric properties of soil and the quantitative prediction of LNAPLs content in contaminated soil. This study uses time domain reflectometry, determination of saturated sand and loam soil permittivity and conductivity with LNAPLs (rapeseed oil, oil) the change rules of the content, and on this basis, through the simulation and correction model, the prediction model of LNAPL content in soil. The results show that: 1) the volume of soil saturated oil amount in 0-0.05 m3m-3, no significant changes of soil dielectric constant; with a further increase of LNAPLs content, the dielectric constant decreased linearly; on the same soil dielectric saturation, soil bulk density and LNAPLs type constant did not produce effect. 2) there is a good linear negative correlation between the conductivity of saturated soil and LNAPLs content (R2=0.96); soil bulk density has no effect on soil electrical conductivity of the same saturation. 3) the mixed dielectric model (alpha =0.5) overestimated the content of light and non-aqueous liquids in saturated soil, and the average RMSE was 0.038cm3cm3. When the parameter alpha was adjusted to 0.52, the mixed dielectric model improved the prediction accuracy, and the prediction accuracy of the mixed dielectric model (alpha =0.50) could be increased by 23.2% to 30.4%. The results of this study show that the time domain reflection technique can be used to monitor the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of contaminated soil and determine the content of LNAPLs in saturated soil.


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