

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-12-28 06:09

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:集成膜工藝處理堿減量廢水及處理水回用對(duì)滌綸減量影響的研究 出處:《浙江工商大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 集成膜工藝 堿減量廢水 酸析 對(duì)苯二甲酸 乙二醇 滌綸 減量率

【摘要】:本文采用超濾-納濾集成膜工藝對(duì)堿減量廢水進(jìn)行實(shí)驗(yàn)研究,并對(duì)濾膜進(jìn)行水力反沖洗和氫氧化鈉-十二烷基磺酸鈉化學(xué)清洗實(shí)驗(yàn)。結(jié)果表明:在0.1 Mpa壓力下,超濾膜對(duì)廢水的COD去除率和濁度去除率分別在30%和98%以上,膜通量穩(wěn)定后基本保持在30 L.m-2.h-1以上。在0.8 Mpa壓力下,納濾膜對(duì)廢水的COD去除率和濁度去除率分別在85%和15%左右,膜通量穩(wěn)定后保持在15 L·m-2·h-1以上。水力反沖洗對(duì)兩種膜的清洗效果都不理想,膜的純水通量恢復(fù)在初始通量的85%以下,而氫氧化鈉-十二烷基磺酸鈉清洗可使膜的純水通量恢復(fù)到初始通量的90%以上,具有較好的清洗效果。對(duì)納濾后得到的濃縮液進(jìn)行酸析實(shí)驗(yàn)并與直接酸析法比較,結(jié)果表明:經(jīng)納濾膜處理后廢水被濃縮減量,可減少酸析過(guò)程中的加酸量。與直接酸析法相比,納濾濃縮液經(jīng)酸析過(guò)濾后過(guò)濾液中的COD去除率較高,在80%以上,表明納濾濃縮液中具有較高的對(duì)苯二甲酸鈉(TADS)濃度。經(jīng)膜處理酸析后回收的對(duì)苯二甲酸(TA)樣品,灰分為630 ppm,酸值為641.5 mg(KOH)/g,透過(guò)率為89.6%,與直接酸析法回收的TA樣品相比,質(zhì)量上有了很大的提高。對(duì)納濾膜透過(guò)液回用至減量工藝可能對(duì)滌綸減量過(guò)程造成的影響進(jìn)行分析,主要為乙二醇(EG)含量的積累增加對(duì)滌綸減量過(guò)程的影響。結(jié)果表明:EG含量的增加可促進(jìn)滌綸減量。在最優(yōu)減量條件下,當(dāng)減量過(guò)程中的EG達(dá)到一定含量時(shí),可通過(guò)縮短減量時(shí)間以達(dá)到相同的減量效果。滌綸減量率還隨堿度、溫度、時(shí)間的增加而增大。堿度對(duì)減量率的影響最大,堿度的增加會(huì)使減量率大幅度上升。不同材質(zhì)的滌綸織物在相同的條件下減量率也有所不同。
[Abstract]:In this paper, ultrafiltration nanofiltration integrated membrane process is applied to study alkali decrement wastewater. Water backwash and sodium hydroxide twelve alkyl sulfonate sodium chemical cleaning experiment are performed. The results showed that under the pressure of 0.1 Mpa, the removal rate and turbidity removal rate of ultrafiltration membrane were 30% and 98%, respectively, and the membrane flux remained basically above 30 L.m-2.h-1 after stable membrane flux. Under the pressure of 0.8 Mpa, the COD removal rate and turbidity removal rate of nanofiltration membrane were about 85% and 15% respectively, and the membrane flux remained above 15 L. M-2. H-1 after the membrane flux was stable. The effect of hydraulic backwashing on the two membranes is not ideal. The pure water flux of membrane is recovered below 85% of the initial flux, while sodium hydroxide twelve alkyl sulfonate cleaning can make the membrane pure water flux recover to more than 90% of the initial flux, which has good cleaning effect. Acid analysis experiment of concentrated liquid obtained after nanofiltration and compared, and the analysis results show that the direct acid wastewater was treated by nanofiltration membrane after concentration reduction, can reduce the acid in the process of adding acid. Compared with the direct acid leaching method, the COD removal rate of the nanofiltration concentrate after filtration by acid digestion is higher than 80%, indicating that the concentration of sodium terephthalate (TADS) is higher in nanofiltration concentrate. The terephthalic acid (TA) sample recovered after membrane treatment and acid digestion has a ash content of 630 ppm, an acid value of 641.5 Mg (KOH) /g and a transmittance of 89.6%. Compared with the TA sample recovered by direct acidolysis, the quality of the sample has been greatly improved. The influence of nanofiltration membrane permeation to reduction process on polyester fiber reduction process is analyzed, which is mainly due to the accumulation of ethylene glycol (EG) and its influence on polyester fiber reduction process. The results show that the increase of EG content can promote the reduction of polyester. Under the optimal reduction conditions, when the EG in the reduction process reaches a certain content, the reduction time can be shortened to achieve the same reduction effect. The Dacron reduction rate also increases with the increase of alkalinity, temperature and time. The alkalinity has the greatest influence on the reduction rate, and the increase of alkalinity will greatly increase the reduction rate. The reduction rate of polyester fabric with different materials is different under the same condition.


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中國(guó)博士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前2條

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中國(guó)碩士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前3條

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