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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-17 00:03

  本文關鍵詞:深水海洋環(huán)境的隨機性研究及其在平臺操作模擬中的應用 出處:《上海交通大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 模擬系統(tǒng) 海洋環(huán)境 隨機性模擬 Matlab

【摘要】:本研究課題依附于國家863課題“深水海洋平臺海上作業(yè)模擬操作系統(tǒng)”,以上海交通大學自主開發(fā)的“海洋石油981平臺深水模擬系統(tǒng)”為研究基礎,針對海洋平臺操作系統(tǒng)中深水海洋環(huán)境的隨機性變化展開研究并開發(fā)了模擬程序。 本論文中在分析介紹深水海洋環(huán)境組成的基礎上,選取了海洋環(huán)境中最主要的三大環(huán)境因素,,即風、波浪與海流作為研究與模擬對象。針對每個環(huán)境因素分別在分析模擬操作系統(tǒng)所提出的模擬要求的基礎上,設計了模擬方法并利用Matlab軟件開發(fā)了模擬程序,給出了模擬程序流程圖以及模擬參數(shù)選取方法。 在風速模擬方面,本文選取了組合風速模型作為基本模擬模型,并在其基礎上針對海上風速特性以及風速隨高度變化特性進行改進,另外,還增加了無參數(shù)法模擬方法。在風向模擬方面,在分析風向隨機變化特性的基礎上分別設計了每小時主導風向以及瞬時風向的模擬方法與模擬參數(shù)取值辦法。針對三維波浪模擬,本文在分析多種波浪模擬方法之后,選取了以波浪譜為基礎的模擬方法,提供了多種頻譜函數(shù)與方向擴展函數(shù)進行三維波浪動態(tài)模擬。在海流模擬程序開發(fā)過程中,根據(jù)海流流速及流向在實際環(huán)境中的變化特性,分別設計了同一水深處流速、流向的隨機模擬方法,以及不同水深處流速及流向垂向分布的模擬方法。另外,在海流流速的模擬中,還加入了針對海洋激流的隨機模擬。最后,將各環(huán)境因素的模擬程序進行整合,完成了深水海洋環(huán)境整體隨機性模擬程序的開發(fā)工作。 本研究論文中還設計了不同的環(huán)境輸入?yún)?shù),給出了各種情形下風、波浪以及海流的隨機模擬結果,并對模擬結果進行了分析。本模擬程序計算快速,模擬結果真實性及隨機性較好,獲得了良好的模擬效果,滿足了模擬系統(tǒng)所提出的模擬要求,并實際應用到了海洋平臺模擬操作系統(tǒng)對于海洋環(huán)境隨機性變化的模擬工作中。
[Abstract]:This research subject is attached to the national 863 project "Offshore Operation Simulation operating system of Deepwater Offshore platform", which is based on the "Offshore Oil 981 platform Deepwater Simulation system" developed by Shanghai Jiaotong University. In this paper, a simulation program is developed for the stochastic variation of deep water marine environment in the operating system of offshore platform. On the basis of analyzing and introducing the composition of deep-water marine environment, three main environmental factors in marine environment, namely wind, are selected in this paper. Wave and current are the research and simulation objects. According to each environmental factor, the simulation requirements proposed by the simulation operating system are analyzed respectively. The simulation method is designed and the simulation program is developed by using Matlab software. The flow chart of the simulation program and the method of selecting simulation parameters are given. In the wind speed simulation, this paper selects the combined wind speed model as the basic simulation model, and on the basis of the wind speed characteristics of the sea and wind speed with height change to improve, in addition. The non-parametric simulation method is also added in wind direction simulation. Based on the analysis of the stochastic variation characteristics of wind direction, the simulation method and the simulation parameters of the dominant wind direction per hour and the instantaneous wind direction are designed, respectively. After analyzing a variety of wave simulation methods, this paper selects the simulation method based on wave spectrum. A variety of spectrum functions and directional spread functions are provided for 3D wave dynamic simulation. In the course of the development of the current simulation program, according to the current velocity and flow direction in the actual environment change characteristics. The stochastic simulation method of the velocity and direction of the same water depth and the simulation method of the vertical distribution of the velocity and direction of the different water depth are designed respectively. In addition, in the simulation of the current velocity. Finally, the simulation program of various environmental factors is integrated to complete the development of the whole stochastic simulation program for the deep-water marine environment. In this paper, different environmental input parameters are designed, and the random simulation results of wind, wave and current under various conditions are given, and the simulation results are analyzed. The simulation results have good authenticity and randomness, and obtain good simulation results, which meet the simulation requirements proposed by the simulation system. And it is applied to the simulation of the stochastic change of the ocean environment by the offshore platform simulation operating system.


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