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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-11 09:40

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:基于TRMM衛(wèi)星的亞洲穿透性對(duì)流及其對(duì)ENSO事件響應(yīng)的研究 出處:《蘭州大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 穿透性對(duì)流 亞洲 雷達(dá) 閃電 微波亮溫 ENSO

【摘要】:穿透性對(duì)流(Overshooting Convections,簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)OCs)不但常常伴隨暴雨、冰雹、大風(fēng)、龍卷和閃電等災(zāi)害性天氣事件,而且在對(duì)流層和平流層物質(zhì)交換過(guò)程中也具有重要的作用。本論文利用TRMM衛(wèi)星的多傳感器觀測(cè)資料研究了亞洲地區(qū)OCs的時(shí)空分布和強(qiáng)度(雷達(dá)反射率、微波亮溫和閃電)特征及其對(duì)ENSO事件的響應(yīng),同時(shí)結(jié)合歐洲中心再分析資料(ERA-Interinn)分析了相應(yīng)的環(huán)境氣象場(chǎng)分布特征,主要研究結(jié)果如下: 1.亞洲地區(qū)OCs占冷云系統(tǒng)(云頂紅外亮溫小于235K)總量的2.6%,其中陸地和海洋上分別占2.2%和3.0%。OCs主要分布在150N以南的熱帶地區(qū),約50%的OCs發(fā)生在夏季,其中八月最為活躍,兒乎每月海洋上OCs數(shù)目都高于陸地上,并且洋面上OCs的體積降水率和面積均高于陸地。無(wú)論是陸地和海洋,OCs的體積降水率均比非穿透性對(duì)流(NOCs)高一個(gè)數(shù)量級(jí)。對(duì)閃電頻數(shù)、微波亮溫和雷達(dá)回波頂高的分析表明,OCs的對(duì)流強(qiáng)度明顯比非穿透性對(duì)流(NOCs)強(qiáng),其中陸地OCs強(qiáng)度又強(qiáng)于海洋。強(qiáng)OCs主要集中在青藏高原南麓、中國(guó)中東部和東南亞地區(qū),同時(shí)這些地區(qū)OCs的發(fā)生概率也很高。 2.OCs的空間分布規(guī)律與熱力、動(dòng)力因子和水汽條件的分布呈現(xiàn)較好的對(duì)應(yīng)關(guān)系。熱帶地區(qū)CAPE和比濕分別比副熱帶高約400J/kg和11g/kg、而垂直風(fēng)切變比副熱帶約小15m/s(不包括青藏高原),為OCs的發(fā)生提供了適宜的環(huán)境條件;夏季青藏高原南麓地區(qū)CAPE和比濕都很高(CAPE大于500J/kg,比濕大于15g/kg),垂直風(fēng)切變?cè)?m/s左右,非常有利于強(qiáng)對(duì)流的發(fā)生和發(fā)展;中國(guó)中東部地區(qū)的OCs數(shù)目少但強(qiáng)度大,該區(qū)域夏季的比濕和CAPE比其他季節(jié)大、垂直風(fēng)切變小(約5m/s),為強(qiáng)OCs的形成提供了有利的環(huán)境條件。 3. ENSO期間,絕大部分地方OCs的頻數(shù)變化與強(qiáng)度變化呈負(fù)相關(guān)關(guān)系。海洋性大陸和西北太平洋上OCs頻數(shù)變化最為顯著,表現(xiàn)為El Nino時(shí)期頻數(shù)減小,而La Nina時(shí)期頻數(shù)增大(除冬季西北太平洋)。OCs強(qiáng)度變化最明顯的區(qū)域發(fā)生在青藏高原及其南麓地區(qū),表現(xiàn)為El Ninno時(shí)期強(qiáng)度增強(qiáng),La Ninna時(shí)期強(qiáng)度減弱。中國(guó)中東部除了La Nina夏季OCs頻數(shù)有所增大外,其他季節(jié)的頻數(shù)變化均不明顯,但強(qiáng)度變化比較顯著。El Nino時(shí)期,OCs的頻數(shù)變化與比濕和CAPE的變化相一致,但與垂直風(fēng)切變的變化相反;La Nina時(shí)期除冬季外,OCs的頻數(shù)變化與環(huán)境場(chǎng)的對(duì)應(yīng)關(guān)系均與El Nino時(shí)期相同。
[Abstract]:Penetrating convection overshooting Contractions (OCs) is often accompanied not only by heavy rain, hail, gale, tornado and lightning, but also by disastrous weather events. It also plays an important role in the process of material exchange between troposphere and stratosphere. In this paper, the temporal and spatial distribution and intensity of OCs in Asia are studied by using the multi-sensor observation data of TRMM satellite. Radar reflectivity. The characteristics of microwave light and lightning and its response to ENSO events are analyzed. The distribution characteristics of the corresponding environmental meteorological field are also analyzed by using ERA-Interinn reanalysis data from the European Center. The main findings are as follows: 1. OCs in Asia accounts for 2.6% of the total cold cloud system (the infrared bright temperature of the cloud top is less than 235K). Among them, 2.2% on land and 3.0 on ocean are mainly distributed in tropical areas south of 150N, about 50%% of OCs occur in summer, and most active in August. The number of OCs in the ocean is higher than that on land, and the volume precipitation rate and area of OCs on the ocean surface are higher than those on land, whether on land or sea. The volume precipitation rate of OCs is one order of magnitude higher than that of NOCs. The convection intensity of OCs is stronger than that of non-penetrating convection (NOCs), and the OCs intensity of land is stronger than that of ocean. The strong OCs is mainly concentrated in the southern foot of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, central and eastern China and Southeast Asia. At the same time, the probability of occurrence of OCs in these areas is also very high. 2. The spatial distribution and thermal properties of OCs. The distribution of dynamic factors and water vapor conditions showed a good correspondence. The CAPE and specific humidity of tropical areas were about 400J / kg and 11g / kg higher than those of subtropics, respectively. The vertical wind shear is about 15m / s smaller than that of the subtropics (excluding the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau), which provides suitable environmental conditions for the occurrence of OCs. In summer, the CAPE and specific humidity in the southern foot of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are very high, the Cape is more than 500J / kg, the specific humidity is more than 15g / kg / kg, and the vertical wind shear is about 3 m / s. It is very conducive to the occurrence and development of strong convection; In eastern and central China, where OCs is small but intense, summer specific humidity and CAPE are larger than other seasons and vertical windshear is smaller (about 5 m / s). It provides favorable environmental conditions for the formation of strong OCs. 3. During ENSO, there was a negative correlation between the frequency change of OCs and the intensity change in most places, and the OCs frequency in the oceanic continent and the Northwest Pacific Ocean was the most significant. The results show that the frequency of El Nino decreases, while the frequency of La Nina increases (except in winter, the most obvious change of intensity in the Northwest Pacific Ocean) occurs in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its southern foothills. The intensity increases in El Ninno period and weakens in La Ninna period, except for the increase of OCs frequency in La Nina summer in the central and eastern part of China. The frequency change of other seasons is not obvious, but the intensity change is obvious. The frequency change of Nino is consistent with the change of specific humidity and CAPE, but the change of intensity is opposite to that of vertical wind shear. The corresponding relationship between the frequency variation and environmental field in La Nina period is the same as that in El Nino period except in winter.


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