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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:黃渤海表層水中汞的形態(tài)及分布特征 出處:《中國(guó)海洋大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 黃渤海 海水 夏季 秋季 分布 汞的形態(tài)

【摘要】:汞以不同的形態(tài)存在海水中,不同的形態(tài)影響到生物可利用性及其遷移轉(zhuǎn)化,因此本文測(cè)定了夏季和秋季黃渤海表層水中溶解態(tài)汞(DHg)、顆粒態(tài)汞(PHg)、甲基汞(MeHg)和溶解性氣態(tài)汞(DGM)的含量,以研究它們的時(shí)間和區(qū)域分布特征,為研究海洋中汞的生物地球化學(xué)行為提供參考。研究結(jié)果如下: 夏季渤海表層水中DHg、PHg和MeHg的含量分別為3.2±0.8ng/L、1.9±1.1ng/L和0.3±0.2ng/L。DHg和MeHg均呈現(xiàn)西部海域高、中南部海域低的分布特征,,PHg近岸的含量高于中央海域。黃海表層水中DHg、PHg和MeHg的含量分別為3.4±1.0ng/L、2.0±1.6ng/L和0.6±0.4ng/L。DHg在青島南部海域和長(zhǎng)江口東北部海域含量最高,MeHg在朝鮮半島西部沿岸、山東半島東部海域和長(zhǎng)江口東部海域含量最高,PHg近岸的含量高于中央海域,在黃河口、鴨綠江入?诤凸劈S河入?诟浇S虮憩F(xiàn)的尤其明顯。 秋季渤海表層水中DHg、PHg、MeHg和DGM的含量分別為6.6±2.8ng/L、4.6±1.3ng/L、0.7±0.4ng/L和66±21pg/L。DHg的含量為南北兩端海域高、中部海域低,PHg在整個(gè)海域中含量都很高,MeHg為中央海域高于近岸,DGM為東南海域高、西北海域低。黃海表層水中DHg、PHg、MeHg和DGM的含量分別為6.1±3.4ng/L、2.7±1.2ng/L、0.4±0.2ng/L和71±28pg/L。DHg在北黃海和山東半島東南沿岸附近海域含量最高;PHg在北黃海和江蘇沿岸含量比較高,MeHg在長(zhǎng)江口東部海域含量較高,DGM的含量為近岸高中央海域低。 黃渤海區(qū)域海水汞的含量季節(jié)變化明顯,渤海、北黃海和南黃海表層水中DHg的含量均是夏季秋季;PHg的含量均是夏季秋季;MeHg的含量在不同的海域中表現(xiàn)出不同的季節(jié)變化,渤海甲基汞的含量夏季秋季,北黃海則相反,南黃海夏季甲基汞的含量與秋季相當(dāng)。 夏季DHg、PHg、MeHg的含量受河流及地表徑流輸入的影響明顯,遼東灣、渤海灣、青島和大連臨近海域、長(zhǎng)江口臨近海域受此影響比較明顯;秋季采樣時(shí)多為大風(fēng)天氣,導(dǎo)致海底沉積物再懸浮,釋放出的汞進(jìn)入水體中,因此秋季水體中DHg、PHg、MeHg和DGM的含量主要受風(fēng)力的影響。 夏季和秋季黃渤海表層水中總汞的平均濃度水平高于天然表層海水的背景值,低于國(guó)家海水一類海水標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值。
[Abstract]:Mercury exists in seawater in different forms. Different forms affect bioavailability and migration and transformation. Therefore, the dissolved mercury in the surface water of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in summer and autumn has been determined. The contents of PHG, MeHg and DGM) in order to study their temporal and regional distribution. To provide a reference for the study of the biogeochemical behavior of mercury in the ocean. The results are as follows: In summer, the contents of DHG PHg and MeHg in surface water of Bohai Sea are 3.2 鹵0.8ng / L, respectively. The distribution characteristics of 1.9 鹵1.1 ng / L and 0.3 鹵0.2 ng / L DHg and MeHg were higher in the western sea area and lower in the central and southern sea areas. The content of PHg near shore is higher than that in central sea. The contents of PHg and MeHg in surface water of Huang Hai are 3.4 鹵1.0 ng / L, respectively. The concentrations of 2.0 鹵1.6ng / L and 0.6 鹵0.4ng / L DHg are highest in the southern part of Qingdao and in the northeast of the Yangtze River Estuary, along the western coast of the Korean Peninsula. The contents of PHg near the east of Shandong Peninsula and the eastern waters of the Yangtze River Estuary are higher than those of the central sea area, especially in the Yellow River estuary, Yalu River estuary and the ancient Yellow River estuary. In autumn, the contents of DGM and DGM in the surface water of Bohai Sea were 6.6 鹵2.8 ng / L, 4.6 鹵1.3 ng / L, respectively. The contents of 0.7 鹵0.4ng / L and 66 鹵21pg / L DHg in the north and south waters were high, and the low PHg content in the central sea was very high in the whole sea area. The MeHg in the central sea was higher than that in the coastal area, and was higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest sea. The contents of MeHg and DGM in the surface water of the Yellow Sea were 6.1 鹵3.4 ng / L, respectively. The concentrations of 2.7 鹵1.2 ng / L 0.4 鹵0.2 ng / L and 71 鹵28 PG / L DHg were the highest in the waters near the southeast coast of the Shandong Peninsula and north Huang Hai. The content of PHg in the eastern waters of the Yangtze Estuary is higher than that in the northern Huang Hai and Jiangsu coastal areas, and the content of PHg is lower in the coastal high central sea area. The seasonal variation of sea water mercury content in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea is obvious. The DHg content in the surface water of Bohai Sea, North Yellow Sea and South Yellow Sea is in summer and autumn. The content of PHg was in summer and autumn. The content of MeHg in different sea areas showed different seasonal variations. The content of methylmercury in Bohai Sea was different in summer and autumn, whereas that in North Huang Hai was opposite, and the content of methylmercury in South Huang Hai was similar to that in autumn. In summer, the content of DHgGN MeHg is obviously affected by the river and surface runoff input, and the adjacent sea areas of Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, Qingdao and Dalian, and the Changjiang Estuary are affected more obviously. Most of the samples in autumn were windy weather, which led to the resuspension of sediments and the release of mercury into the water body. Therefore, the contents of DGM and DGM in the autumn water were mainly affected by wind. The average concentration of total mercury in the surface water of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in summer and autumn is higher than the background value of the natural surface water and lower than the standard value of the sea water of China.


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