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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:山東半島波浪能資源的調(diào)查與模擬分析研究 出處:《中國(guó)海洋大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 波浪 波浪能 波候變化 山東半島

【摘要】:波浪能作為一種無(wú)污染的可再生新能源,是海岸地帶經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的重要組成部分。開(kāi)發(fā)波浪能可以為沿岸地區(qū)的發(fā)展提供一定能源,降低化石能源的消耗量,減少環(huán)境污染。因此,近年來(lái),波浪能越來(lái)越多地受到各個(gè)沿海國(guó)家的重視。從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)利益來(lái)看,現(xiàn)階段投入一定的資金研究這些潔凈的、可再生能源,對(duì)沿海地區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展和環(huán)境保護(hù)有著十分重要的意義。山東半島地區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)達(dá),對(duì)能源的需求量較大,調(diào)查研究其附近海域的海洋能的分布情況,對(duì)山東半島的長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)發(fā)展有著極其深遠(yuǎn)的意義。本文主要對(duì)山東半島周邊海域的波浪及波浪能情況進(jìn)行了研究分析。 首先,本文運(yùn)用第三代波浪模型SWAN,以1996-2011年的風(fēng)場(chǎng)數(shù)據(jù)為驅(qū)動(dòng)對(duì)山東半島的波浪進(jìn)行了模擬,并將模擬結(jié)果與3個(gè)觀測(cè)點(diǎn)的觀測(cè)值進(jìn)行了比較。比較結(jié)果顯示該模型對(duì)波浪的模擬效果良好。在確定波浪模擬的準(zhǔn)確性之后,本文對(duì)山東半島附近海域的波浪情況進(jìn)行了研究分析,得到了每個(gè)月、每個(gè)季度的最大和平均有效波高分布圖,為港口工程設(shè)計(jì)提供了參考數(shù)據(jù)。 其次,本文對(duì)Kim簡(jiǎn)化方法、深水簡(jiǎn)化方法和直接求解法三種波浪能求解方法進(jìn)行了比較分析。比較結(jié)果顯示,Kim簡(jiǎn)化方法和深水簡(jiǎn)化方法計(jì)算出的波浪能密度值都比直接求解法的計(jì)算值略大,并且Kim簡(jiǎn)化方法計(jì)算出的數(shù)值與直接求解法計(jì)算出的數(shù)值之間的偏差要大于深水簡(jiǎn)化法相應(yīng)的偏差;但,兩種簡(jiǎn)化方法與直接求解法之間都有很強(qiáng)的相關(guān)性,均可用來(lái)進(jìn)行波浪能的求解計(jì)算;此外,相較于直接求解法和深水簡(jiǎn)化方法,Kim簡(jiǎn)化方法的求解方式更為簡(jiǎn)單、快捷。 再次,本文對(duì)山東半島波浪能的分布情況進(jìn)行了研究。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),成山頭附近海域波浪能較為豐富。為進(jìn)一步探究山東半島波浪能的具體情況,本文選取了較有代表性的成山頭(位于半島東部)、黃河口三角洲(位于半島北部)和瑯琊臺(tái)(位于半島南部)三個(gè)地點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了重點(diǎn)研究,得出了這3個(gè)地點(diǎn)處波浪能的月分布情況、波浪的主要來(lái)向、波浪能在各個(gè)方向上的分布情況及有效波高、波能周期與能量的聯(lián)合分布圖,為波浪能開(kāi)發(fā)裝置的布設(shè)和選取提供了依據(jù)。 最后,本文運(yùn)用Delft3D-SWAN模塊研究了波浪發(fā)電裝置的布設(shè)對(duì)相應(yīng)海域波高和波生流流速的影響情況。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):布設(shè)波浪能發(fā)電裝置之后,其附近海域的波高將明顯變小,波生流流速也呈現(xiàn)出變小的趨勢(shì)。但,局部地區(qū)波生流流速會(huì)出現(xiàn)增大的情況。這主要是由于該地區(qū)水深地形情況比較復(fù)雜。在布設(shè)波浪發(fā)電裝置之前,該區(qū)域會(huì)受到島嶼或者陸地的屏蔽。布設(shè)波浪發(fā)電裝置之后,波浪發(fā)生衍射,,衍射后波浪的傳播方向會(huì)與波浪原來(lái)的傳播方向略有差異。島嶼或者陸地對(duì)這些衍射后的波浪的屏蔽作用較小。致使波生流流速出現(xiàn)增大的現(xiàn)象。波高變化受水深地形的影響也較大。波浪在經(jīng)過(guò)發(fā)電裝置后,產(chǎn)生衍射,波高會(huì)逐漸恢復(fù)。但,當(dāng)周?chē)行⌒蛵u嶼時(shí),波高的恢復(fù)會(huì)被該島嶼削弱。
[Abstract]:Wave energy is a new energy renewable and pollution-free, is an important part of the coastal zone economic development. The development of wave energy can provide energy for the development of coastal areas, reduce the consumption of fossil energy, reducing environmental pollution. Therefore, in recent years, wave energy more and more attention by all coastal countries. In the long term, on the clean, some capital investment at the present stage of renewable energy, has a very important significance for economic development and environmental protection in coastal areas. The area of Shandong peninsula economic development, greater demand for energy, the distribution of the investigation on the waters near the ocean, has the extremely profound the significance of the long-term development of the Shandong peninsula. This paper focuses on the surrounding waters of Shandong Peninsula waves and wave energy were analyzed.
First of all, this paper uses the third generation wave model SWAN, the wind field data of 1996-2011 is driven to simulate the Shandong Peninsula waves, and the simulation results with the 3 observation points are compared. The results show that the simulation effect of this model on wave. After determining the accuracy of wave simulation. In this paper, the wave of the sea near Shandong Peninsula are analyzed, obtained each month, each quarter of the maximum and average wave height distribution, provided reference data for the design of port engineering.
Secondly, based on simplified Kim method, simplified method and direct method of deep water waves can solve three kinds of methods were compared and analyzed. The comparison results show that the simplified Kim method and simplified method to calculate the wave energy density of deep value than the calculation of the direct solution method are slightly larger, the deviation between the numerical method and numerical solution of direct and and the simplified Kim method to calculate the calculated is greater than the corresponding deviation of the simplified method of deep water; however, there is a strong correlation between the two kinds of simplified method and direct method, can be used to solve the wave energy calculation; in addition, compared with the direct solving method and the simplified method for solving Kim deep, simplified method the more simple, quick.
Again, this paper studied the distribution of Shandong peninsula of wave energy. The study found that a hill near the sea wave energy is abundant. To further explore the specific situation of Shandong Peninsula wave, this paper selects a representative of the Chengshantou (located in the east of the peninsula), Yellow River Delta (in the northern part of the peninsula and Langya) Taiwan (southern peninsula) three locations were studied, the monthly distribution of the 3 locations of wave energy, wave mainly to the distribution of wave energy in all directions and wave height, wave energy distribution and energy combined cycle, provide the basis for the layout of the waves can the development of device and selection.
Finally, this paper uses Delft3D-SWAN module layout effect of wave power generation device of wave height and wave velocity of the corresponding area of students. It is found that the distribution of wave energy power generation device, the waters near the wave height will be significantly smaller, wave induced flow velocity also shows a decreasing trend. However, local wave flow velocity will appear increases. This is mainly due to the complicated topography area. Before setting wave generating device, the region will be blocked by islands or land. After the layout of wave power generation device, generating wave diffraction, diffraction wave propagation direction and wave propagation direction of the original will be slightly different. These islands or land on the diffraction wave shielding effect is small. The wave induced flow velocity increases. The wave height change affected by topography in the wave are large. A power generation device, produce diffraction, wave height will gradually recover. However, when there is a small island, the island is height recovery would be weakened.



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