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發(fā)布時間:2019-05-22 18:47
[Abstract]:As an indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor with a history of only more than ten years, the conductive mechanism of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor has not yet been determined. However, it is certain that the density of states of indium gallium zinc oxide is an important characterization of its electrical properties. In the existing literature, the research on the density of states model of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor is mainly focused on the extraction of some specific models or model parameters. In this paper, the main current state density model of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor is combined, and the related materials and devices are modeled and simulated by using computer simulation software. The influence of each model parameter on the device characteristics and the interaction between the model parameters are studied in detail. In this paper, the influence of state density model parameters on the characteristics of the device is also shown intuitively by extracting the charge distribution curve of trap capture in the band gap of the device. On this basis, the capture charge distribution curve is extracted by using different gate bias voltage, and the influence of state density model parameters on the device is amplified. After a series of simulation analysis, the influence of the parameters of each state density model on the device characteristics is qualitatively given, and the causes are analyzed in detail. The simulation results show that the drain current and threshold voltage of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor state density model mainly affect the drain current and threshold voltage of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor. when the density of host state increases, the drain current of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor decreases and the threshold voltage increases. The donor part mainly affects the subthreshold characteristics of the device, depending on its position in the band gap. When the donor state density near the Fermi energy level increases, the subthreshold swing of the device increases, and when the donor state density above the Fermi energy level increases, The threshold voltage of the device is reduced. In addition, when the donor density distribution center moves from the conduction band to the valence band, the drain current and threshold voltage of the device decrease. For different manufacturing processes, the properties of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductors are different, so these results provide guidance for the future material definition in the simulation of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor devices with specific manufacturing processes. At the same time, the simulation of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor flexible device and its lighting characteristics are also discussed in this paper. The simulation results of the former show that there is no difference in device characteristics between planar devices and curved devices, but this result is obtained in the absence of stress model. It can not be used as a proof of the applicability of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductors in flexible devices. In the latter simulation, we observe the effect of light on indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor devices, but the effect is similar to that of hydrogenated amorphous silicon in the absence of relevant simulation models. That is, light only increases the turn-off current of the device, but lacks its unique effect on the threshold voltage of indium gallium zinc oxide semiconductor devices.


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