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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-05 09:04
[Abstract]:SoC integrates computing cells, memory and logical operation units on a single circuit. Reconfigurable processor is a kind of SoC, which achieves a good balance in computing speed, flexibility, power consumption and so on. The advantages of multi-core processor architecture lie not only in its high integration, high parallelism, low power consumption, simple structure and easy design optimization, but also in its ability to make full use of the existing advantages of traditional single-core processors. For example, wide transmit instruction, multi-thread basis, low power technology and so on. At present, it can be divided into two types: isomorphic multicore and isomorphic multicore. Autocorrelation function is a common and important function in digital signal processing. An autocorrelation function is a measure of the similarity of a sequence at different points in time. At present, the autocorrelation function is usually implemented by multiplicative accumulation algorithm. The structure of this method is simple and easy to implement, but the speed is slow when the number of points is large. Sorting algorithm is a classical and commonly used algorithm. Its aim is to arrange an unordered sequence into an ordered sequence after several comparisons. With the rapid development of computer technology, sorting has gradually become a basic algorithm in modern programming. The lack of sorting units in modern computers and the "Neumann (Neumann)" bottleneck make software sorting inefficient. Therefore, hardware dedicated to sorting can be designed within the processor to greatly improve the speed and efficiency of sorting. On the basis of a reconfigurable SoC platform, this paper designs and optimizes the autocorrelation algorithm implemented with FFT and a sort algorithm based on sort (merge) tree, and simulates and synthesizes the above two algorithms. Through the comparison and analysis of the verification and synthesis results, it is shown that the two algorithms are faster in large number of points, lower resource overhead and more suitable for parallel operation.


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