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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-19 19:28
【摘要】:實(shí)裝電路板PCBA作為現(xiàn)代電子設(shè)備的重要組成部分,其生產(chǎn)質(zhì)量直接影響到產(chǎn)品的功能和性能。目前工廠對(duì)PCBA的生產(chǎn)品質(zhì)檢驗(yàn)工作大部分由人工完成,檢測(cè)過(guò)程中因人為因素的影響,常常發(fā)生誤檢、漏檢等問(wèn)題,并且檢測(cè)效率低下。本文研制了一套針對(duì)MSP430硬件工具PCBA的專(zhuān)用自動(dòng)測(cè)試系統(tǒng),功能包括程序燒寫(xiě),電壓檢測(cè),晶振檢測(cè),通訊檢測(cè),硬件通路檢測(cè),FLASH檢測(cè),FRAM檢測(cè),EEPROM檢測(cè),設(shè)備ID獲取,測(cè)試信息記錄等。本文主要工作內(nèi)容包括:測(cè)試系統(tǒng)檢測(cè)電路硬件設(shè)計(jì);測(cè)試系統(tǒng)主控程序設(shè)計(jì);四類(lèi)MSP430硬件工具測(cè)試下位機(jī)程序編寫(xiě);基于Visual Basic的PC上位機(jī)軟件開(kāi)發(fā);測(cè)試治具架構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)。本文的工作重點(diǎn)在于測(cè)試系統(tǒng)硬件電路的設(shè)計(jì)和測(cè)試程序的編寫(xiě);難點(diǎn)在于根據(jù)四類(lèi)MSP430硬件工具的工作原理設(shè)計(jì)相應(yīng)的檢測(cè)項(xiàng)目。本文已成功實(shí)現(xiàn)了測(cè)試系統(tǒng)的各項(xiàng)自動(dòng)檢測(cè)功能,且兼容四類(lèi)MSP430硬件工具的檢測(cè),并已成功應(yīng)用于工廠的生產(chǎn)測(cè)試流水線上,大大提高了工廠的檢測(cè)效率,降低了人力資源成本,為工廠節(jié)省了開(kāi)支。
[Abstract]:As an important part of modern electronic equipment, the production quality of real circuit board (PCBA) directly affects the function and performance of the product. At present, most of the production quality inspection of PCBA in factories is done by manual work. Due to the influence of human factors in the inspection process, problems such as false detection and missed inspection often occur, and the detection efficiency is low. In this paper, a special automatic test system for MSP430 hardware tool PCBA is developed. Its functions include program writing, voltage detection, crystal oscillator detection, communication detection, hardware path detection, flash detection, FRAM detection, EEPROM detection, equipment ID acquisition, etc. Test information record etc. The main work of this paper includes: testing circuit hardware design of test system; main control program design of test system; programming of four kinds of MSP430 hardware tools to test lower computer; PC host computer software development based on Visual Basic; structure design of test fixture. The emphasis of this paper is on the design of the hardware circuit of the test system and the writing of the test program, and the difficulty is to design the corresponding inspection items according to the working principle of the four kinds of MSP430 hardware tools. This paper has successfully realized all the automatic testing functions of the test system, and is compatible with four kinds of MSP430 hardware tools, and has been successfully applied to the production test pipeline of the factory, which greatly improves the efficiency of the factory testing. Reduce the cost of human resources and save money for the factory.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

1 楊廷善;美國(guó)軍用自動(dòng)測(cè)試系統(tǒng)管理體系概述[J];測(cè)控技術(shù);2003年11期

2 張敏,張R,




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