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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-19 10:10
【摘要】:1971年Chua根據(jù)電路基本變量之間的關(guān)系推測(cè)了憶阻器的存在。2008年HP實(shí)驗(yàn)室發(fā)現(xiàn)納米級(jí)器件TiO_2具有與憶阻器一樣的特性,從而證實(shí)了憶阻器的存在。2009年Chua等人在憶阻器的基礎(chǔ)上提出了憶容器和憶感器的概念,從而豐富了記憶器件的概念。記憶器件是具有記憶功能的非線性元件,可以應(yīng)用于非易失性存儲(chǔ)器、神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)、計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)等領(lǐng)域,記憶器件已經(jīng)成為國(guó)內(nèi)外學(xué)者的研究熱點(diǎn)。由于目前記憶器件還未實(shí)現(xiàn)市場(chǎng)化,尤其對(duì)憶容器和憶感器的研究還處在建模階段,所以將數(shù)學(xué)模型和電路模型作為研究記憶器件的重點(diǎn)。本文構(gòu)造分析了TiO_2磁控憶阻器、荷控憶容器、磁控憶容器、磁控憶感器的數(shù)學(xué)模型,并根據(jù)其數(shù)學(xué)模型建立了相對(duì)應(yīng)的等效電路;谟洃浧骷臄(shù)學(xué)模型設(shè)計(jì)了包含憶阻器和憶容器的混沌振蕩器及包含憶容器和憶感器的混沌振蕩器,分析了分岔特性和Lyapunov指數(shù)譜等動(dòng)力學(xué)特性特性。最后分析了基于憶阻器和憶容器的混沌信號(hào)的隨機(jī)性,基于約瑟夫環(huán)提出了一種新的混沌加密算法,并將加密算法結(jié)合Open SSL設(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全傳輸系統(tǒng)。本文主要的研究重點(diǎn)如下:(1)提出了TiO_2磁控憶阻器、荷控憶容器和磁控憶容器的數(shù)學(xué)模型,分析了三次光滑曲線磁控憶感器數(shù)學(xué)模型,并根據(jù)磁控憶阻器、荷控憶容器、磁控憶容器、磁控憶感器的數(shù)學(xué)模型設(shè)計(jì)了等效電路,利用Multisim軟件對(duì)其進(jìn)行電路仿真和實(shí)驗(yàn),電路仿真結(jié)果和數(shù)值仿真結(jié)果基本上是一致的,表明憶阻器兩端v-i、憶容器兩端v-q、憶感器兩端i-φ滿足緊致的滯回曲線特性。(2)基于記憶器件的數(shù)學(xué)模型和蔡氏電路設(shè)計(jì)了含有兩個(gè)記憶器件的混沌振蕩器,分別是基于憶阻器和憶容器的混沌振蕩器及基于憶容器和憶感器的混沌振蕩器。對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)的混沌振蕩器進(jìn)行包括分岔特性和Lyapunov指數(shù)譜等基本動(dòng)力學(xué)特性特性分析,分析結(jié)果顯示基于兩個(gè)記憶器件的混沌振蕩系統(tǒng)具有復(fù)雜的動(dòng)力學(xué)特性行為,例如共存吸引子現(xiàn)象。利用DSP技術(shù)對(duì)基于兩個(gè)記憶器件的混沌振蕩器進(jìn)行了數(shù)字化實(shí)現(xiàn),DSP實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果與數(shù)值仿真結(jié)果基本上是一致的。(3)研究了基于憶阻器和憶容器的混沌振蕩系統(tǒng)在網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全傳輸中的應(yīng)用。利用NIST測(cè)試軟件對(duì)基于憶阻器和憶容器的混沌序列進(jìn)行了隨機(jī)性測(cè)試,測(cè)試結(jié)果顯示其性能優(yōu)于Lorenz系統(tǒng)。由于基于憶阻器和憶容器的混沌序列隨機(jī)性良好,其密鑰空間大,基于約瑟夫環(huán)提出了一種新的混沌加密算法,結(jié)合Open SSL設(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全傳輸系統(tǒng),保證了數(shù)據(jù)在傳輸中的安全性。
[Abstract]:In 1971, Chua speculated the existence of the resistive device based on the relationship between the basic variables of the circuit. In 2008, the HP lab found that the nano-device TiO_2 had the same characteristics as the resistive device. In 2009, Chua et al put forward the concepts of memory container and sensor, which enriched the concept of memory device. Memory devices are nonlinear components with memory function, which can be used in non-volatile memory, neural networks, computer science and other fields. Memory devices have become the research hotspot of scholars at home and abroad. Because the memory device has not been marketized at present, especially the research on the memory container and sensor is still in the modeling stage, so the mathematical model and the circuit model are regarded as the focus of the research on the memory device. In this paper, the mathematical models of TiO_2 magnetically controlled amnesia, charge controlled memory container and magnetic controlled amnesia are constructed, and the corresponding equivalent circuits are established according to their mathematical models. Based on the mathematical model of memory devices, chaotic oscillators with amnesia and memory vessels and chaotic oscillators with memory containers and sensors are designed. The bifurcation characteristics and Lyapunov exponent spectra are analyzed. Finally, the randomness of chaotic signals based on amnesia and memory container is analyzed. A new chaotic encryption algorithm based on Joseph loop is proposed, and a network secure transmission system is designed by combining the encryption algorithm with Open SSL. The main research points of this paper are as follows: (1) the mathematical models of TiO_2 magnetically controlled amnesia, charge controlled amnesia container and magnetically controlled amnesia container are proposed, and the mathematical model of cubic smooth curve magnetic amnesia sensor is analyzed. The equivalent circuit is designed for the mathematical model of magnetic control memory container and magnetic memory sensor. The circuit simulation and experiment are carried out by using Multisim software. The results of circuit simulation and numerical simulation are basically the same. It is shown that the two ends of the memory device v-i, the two ends of the receptacle v-qand the two ends of the sensor satisfy the tight hysteretic curve characteristics. (2) based on the mathematical model of the memory device and Chua's circuit, a chaotic oscillator with two memory devices is designed. Chaotic oscillator based on amnesia and memory container and chaotic oscillator based on memory container and sensor respectively. The basic dynamic characteristics of the designed chaotic oscillator, including bifurcation characteristics and Lyapunov exponent spectrum, are analyzed. The results show that the chaotic oscillation system based on two memory devices has complex dynamic characteristics. For example, coexisting attractor phenomenon. The digital realization of chaotic oscillator based on two memory devices using DSP technology is basically consistent with the numerical simulation results. (3) the chaotic oscillation system based on amnesia and memory container is studied in the network. Applications in secure transmission. The random test of chaotic sequence based on amnesia and memory container is carried out by using NIST test software. The test results show that its performance is superior to that of Lorenz system. Because the chaotic sequence based on amnesia and memory container has good randomness and its key space is large, a new chaotic encryption algorithm based on Joseph ring is proposed, and a network secure transmission system is designed based on Open SSL. The security of data transmission is guaranteed.


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