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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-18 11:49
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern microwave electronic system, the development and testing technology of high performance microwave materials which can work in W band are urgently required. The development and test of W band low loss microwave dielectric material is the basis of the development of W band microwave technology. For W-band low-loss microwave dielectric materials, it is very important to accurately measure their relative dielectric constant and loss angle tangent. Due to the advantages of strong heterodyne suppression and convenient operation, it is very suitable to measure the relative dielectric constant and loss angle tangent of low loss microwave dielectric material in millimeter wave band. In order to reduce or even eliminate the influence of high order mode and improve the measurement accuracy, this paper studies the complex dielectric constant measurement system of the W-band quasi-optical cavity method from the following aspects, and selects the fixed cavity length method with higher accuracy. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of flat cavity and double concave cavity, the structure of flat concave cavity with easier loading sample and simpler structure is selected. According to the beam wave theory, the internal field structure of optical cavity is analyzed, and the numerical calculation is made by MATLAB. The electric field and magnetic field distribution of the fundamental mode and the higher-order mode Gao Si beam in the cavity are obtained, and the basic parameters and coupling coefficient of the quasi-optical cavity are given. Based on the basic parameters and coupling coefficient of the quasi-optical cavity? According to the requirement, the appropriate cavity length D is calculated by exhaustive method, the modeling and simulation are carried out by using HFSS electromagnetic simulation software, the performance of passing and reflecting quasi-optical resonators is compared and analyzed, and the single-port reflection quasi-optical cavity is chosen. By comparing the resonant frequency of the main mode and the high order mode obtained by simulation with the theoretical calculation results, it is found that the fundamental mode frequency deviation is less than 1 MHz, which meets the test requirements. The structure of the whole system is designed by using Solidworks 3D mechanical structure design software. Drawing and machining, especially the tolerance of key dimensions and the tolerance of shape and position of the model are designed in detail. Finally, the spherical mirror, plane mirror and connecting plate that meet the requirements are designed and processed. Two W-Band quasi-optical cavity complex dielectric constant measurement systems with different cavity length D are set up. The working frequency is set between 86GHz and 102GHz. The complex permittivity of the same quartz glass substrate was measured, and the results were compared with the theoretical results.


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