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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-14 20:47
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern wireless communication, especially the development of VLSI, microwave circuits are developing rapidly towards miniaturization, high performance and low cost. As an important passive microwave device, microwave power divider is responsible for signal distribution and synthesis, and often cascades with filter in microwave circuits. Therefore, the research of miniaturization and high performance microwave power divider has important academic and engineering significance. Based on the principle of power divider, several kinds of power dividers with different structures are proposed for 1/4 wavelength impedance converter, filter power divider and wideband coupled ultra-wideband power divider. The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, based on the idea of equivalent 1/4 wavelength impedance converter, the power divider based on step impedance resonator (SIR), the power divider based on parallel double lines and the miniaturized harmonic controllable power divider are presented. The initial design parameters are obtained by using ABCD matrix theory and MATLAB analysis. All power dividers are verified by electromagnetic simulation and physical testing. Secondly, based on coupling resonance theory and (MMR) theory, two filter power dividers based on short circuit 1/4 resonator and symmetric ring resonator based on short circuit branch loading are presented. Combined with coupling resonance theory, cross-coupling of source and load is introduced to improve the low frequency selectivity of power divider. In addition, a dual-band filter power divider is constructed by changing the short-circuit branch loading resonator into a dual-frequency multi-mode resonator through the branch loading mode. Finally, a power divider based on a three-port broadband Barron filter is proposed. All power dividers are verified by electromagnetic simulation and physical testing. Finally, in order to meet the needs of UWB research, the wideband characteristics of microstrip / slot transition structure are discussed, and the transformation method from two-port UWB filter to three-port power divider based on this structure is presented. The dual frequency structure power divider is extended to ultra wideband (UWB) power divider by using the wideband characteristic of microstrip-slot coupling and a miniaturized UWB power divider is formed by introducing the gradient impedance line. Finally, in order to improve the contradiction between the standing wave at the input end of the ultra-wideband power divider based on the microstrip slot line transition and the isolation degree at the output end, the microstrip slot line microstrip coupling mode is adopted. A zero ohmic resistance and a 100 ohmic resistance are introduced to improve the standing wave and isolation in the power divider. All power dividers are verified by electromagnetic simulation and physical testing.


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