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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-12 11:37
[Abstract]:With the development of integrated circuit, the chip adopts advanced technology, the performance is getting better and better. However, these advanced processes weaken the ability to withstand the electrostatic discharge (ESD) of the chip, and at the same time, the protection requirements for the chip ESD are not reduced, but higher and higher, which makes the ESD protection circuit more difficult to design. The research of ESD protection in China lags behind the advanced level of the world, especially the domestic integrated circuit chip ESD has greatly reduced the yield and reliability of the chip, so the research on chip ESD is of great significance. In this paper, ESD is evaluated by testing and failure analysis of JSR26C32X-S four-way differential receiver chip. The main contents of this paper are as follows: testing three kinds of electrostatic discharge models (HBM,MM and CDM) for JSR26C32X-S chip, then analyzing the failure mechanism of ESD, and comparing and improving the difference of anti-ESD performance under the three discharge models. First, the test scheme of three discharge models is designed. The failure threshold of JSR26C32X-S chip is 5 000 V under (HBM) electrostatic discharge test of human body model, 200 V under machine model (MM) electrostatic discharge test, and 3 000 V under (CDM) electrostatic discharge test of device charging model. By comparing the three failures and analyzing the causes of the failures, it is found that the differential input pin of the chip under the HBM and MM models is the most likely to fail, and the specific reason of the failure is the breakdown of the polysilicon interconnects connected to the ESD protection diodes. In order to improve the resistance of the chip to HBM and MM electrostatic discharge, an improved protection circuit (using a more efficient GGNMOS or SCR protective structure) and improved measures are proposed for the ESD protection of the differential input pin of the chip. It can also be found from the test results that the CDM electrostatic discharge protection capability of the JSR26C32X-S chip is very high. The reason is that the NMOS and PMOS transistors with a very large area in the output buffer circuit discharge a large amount of ESD current during the ESD event. To sum up, the ESD protection of domestic JSR26C32X-S four-way differential receiver chip is studied. Through a series of tests and failure analysis, the most vulnerable areas of failure are found out, and an improved ESD protection structure is proposed. Applying it to the chip, even to other similar chips in industrial and military fields, will greatly improve the yield and reliability of the chips.


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