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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-22 15:44

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 微電網(wǎng) 微電源 暫態(tài)故障特性 廣域差動(dòng)保護(hù)方案 出處:《華中科技大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

【摘要】:面對(duì)目前的環(huán)境問題和能源短缺現(xiàn)象,為了充分地利用新型清潔可再生能源,發(fā)揮分布式能源的優(yōu)勢,微電網(wǎng)受到了廣泛的關(guān)注。微電網(wǎng)使得微電源能以一種有效的方式接入外部大電網(wǎng),并且能提供高效、可靠、安全的電能供應(yīng)。憑借著對(duì)分布式能源利用的優(yōu)勢,微電網(wǎng)成為了電力系統(tǒng)研究發(fā)展的一個(gè)重點(diǎn)方向。 然而,當(dāng)微電網(wǎng)與大電網(wǎng)并網(wǎng)運(yùn)行時(shí),傳統(tǒng)的潮流單向輻射狀網(wǎng)絡(luò)變?yōu)榱艘粋(gè)潮流多方向的多源網(wǎng)絡(luò),這對(duì)傳統(tǒng)的保護(hù)方案帶來了挑戰(zhàn);并且當(dāng)微電網(wǎng)處于孤島模式運(yùn)行時(shí),基于電力電子設(shè)備的變流器故障電流被限制在2倍額定電流以內(nèi),傳統(tǒng)的保護(hù)方案不能滿足微電網(wǎng)的內(nèi)部運(yùn)行狀況需求。所以如果不采取任何技術(shù)措施地直接將微電網(wǎng)接入大電網(wǎng),將會(huì)給大電網(wǎng)帶來更多的問題甚至使得大電網(wǎng)直接癱瘓,,反而影響人們的生活和對(duì)電能的利用,更加不能滿足人們的需求。因此,研究適合于微電網(wǎng)的繼電保護(hù)原理方案很有必要。 本文在對(duì)微電源和微電網(wǎng)基于PSCAD進(jìn)行建模仿真的基礎(chǔ)上,分析得出了微電網(wǎng)和傳統(tǒng)配電網(wǎng)的故障暫態(tài)特性的主要區(qū)別:(1)微電網(wǎng)內(nèi)多電源多點(diǎn)分布,使得潮流可以雙向流動(dòng);(2)組網(wǎng)之后,新能源發(fā)電系統(tǒng)的啟停將嚴(yán)重影響故障的短路電流;(3)并網(wǎng)和離網(wǎng)狀態(tài)下,部分保護(hù)安裝處的短路電流將差異很大;(4)雙饋風(fēng)力發(fā)電系統(tǒng)在故障后的前幾個(gè)周波內(nèi),短路電流頻率將發(fā)生波動(dòng)。 基于仿真所得出微電網(wǎng)暫態(tài)特性特點(diǎn),分析了常規(guī)繼電保護(hù)在微電網(wǎng)中的適用性,分析選擇了廣域差動(dòng)保護(hù)為主保護(hù)的微電網(wǎng)廣域差動(dòng)保護(hù)方案,并進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)的保護(hù)整定。最后,進(jìn)行了動(dòng)態(tài)模擬試驗(yàn),驗(yàn)證了微電網(wǎng)的特性和保護(hù)方案的適用性。
[Abstract]:Facing the current environmental problems and energy shortage phenomenon , in order to make full use of the new clean renewable energy and to exert the advantages of distributed energy , the micro power grid has attracted extensive attention . The micro power grid enables the micro power supply to access the external large power grid in an efficient way , and can provide efficient , reliable and safe electric energy supply . With the advantage of the distributed energy utilization , the micro power grid becomes a key direction of the research development of the power system . However , when the micro - grid is connected to the large power grid and the grid runs , the traditional one - way radial network becomes a multi - source network with multi - direction trend , which poses a challenge to the traditional protection scheme ; and when the micro - grid is in the island mode operation , the traditional protection scheme can not meet the internal health requirement of the micro - grid . Based on PSCAD modeling of micro power supply and micro power grid , the main differences of fault transient characteristics of micro power grid and traditional distribution network are analyzed : ( 1 ) multi - point distribution of multi - power supply in micro - grid , so that the power flow can flow in two directions ; ( 2 ) after networking , the start - stop of new energy power generation system will seriously affect short - circuit current of fault ; ( 3 ) in grid and off - net state , short - circuit current at the partial protection installation will be greatly different ; and ( 4 ) the frequency of short - circuit current will fluctuate within the first few cycles of fault . Based on the characteristics of the transient characteristics of the micro - grid , the applicability of the conventional relay protection in the micro - grid is analyzed , and the wide - area differential protection scheme of the micro - grid based on the wide - area differential protection is analyzed , and detailed protection setting is carried out . Finally , the dynamic simulation test is carried out to verify the characteristics of the micro - grid and the applicability of the protection scheme .



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7 王t




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