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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-22 17:06

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 鋰電池 開關(guān)電容放大器 電量監(jiān)測系統(tǒng) 出處:《電子科技大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

【摘要】:鋰電池即鋰離子電池,可反復(fù)充電再循環(huán)的電池。這種新型清潔可再生的二次能源具有工作電壓高、能量密度大、質(zhì)量輕、內(nèi)阻低、壽命長、無記憶性等優(yōu)勢,從而主要應(yīng)用于消費類電子產(chǎn)品。受益于智能手機(jī)和平板電腦的迅猛發(fā)展,未來電動車電池的替代以及新能源汽車的廣闊市場,鋰電池的市場空間會進(jìn)一步得到擴(kuò)張。然而更安全高效的使用鋰電池卻需要進(jìn)一步研究,受鋰電池化學(xué)特性的限制,電池會出現(xiàn)老化、過充、過放等實際問題,如何最大限度的保護(hù)和使用鋰電池成為當(dāng)今社會的熱門話題。本論文主要設(shè)計了基于鋰電池應(yīng)用的精確電量監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),并基于這個系統(tǒng)設(shè)計了其中電流監(jiān)測模塊的電路。首先,論文深入闡述了鋰電池的工作原理、化學(xué)特性以及保護(hù)電路設(shè)計原理。這些特性是精確電量監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)設(shè)計的物理原理核心。其次,針對精確監(jiān)測鋰電池電量的系統(tǒng)設(shè)計思想進(jìn)行了闡述,并對系統(tǒng)頂層設(shè)計原理進(jìn)行了深入分析。其中包括:瞬態(tài)判斷、更新阻抗數(shù)據(jù)庫、初始化參數(shù)值以及精確電量計算流程。然后,針對該系統(tǒng)中的電流監(jiān)測模塊設(shè)計出相關(guān)電路。其中包括:電流采樣電路、低頻振蕩器、高頻振蕩器和數(shù)字控制電路。該電路通過在鋰電池外部供電環(huán)路引入靈敏電阻來對電流進(jìn)行采樣,并使用時鐘控制開關(guān)電容運算放大器和高速比較器來實現(xiàn)從模擬信號到數(shù)字信號的轉(zhuǎn)換。低頻振蕩器和高頻振蕩器為該電路提供時鐘信號。設(shè)計了流片后的電阻、電容修調(diào)電路,以提供準(zhǔn)確的基準(zhǔn)信號達(dá)到最佳的工作狀態(tài)。最后,采用SMIC 0.13μm CMOS工藝,電源電壓為2.5V,使用H-spice仿真軟件對所設(shè)計的時鐘和電流采樣電路進(jìn)行了整體仿真。其中,時鐘包括低頻振蕩器、高頻振蕩器和數(shù)字邏輯電路,電流采樣電路包括運算放大器、偏置電路和高速比較器。通過仿真結(jié)果可知,該系統(tǒng)的電流監(jiān)測電路能夠?qū)⒉蓸与娏骶_模擬成數(shù)字信號輸出,符合鋰電池適用領(lǐng)域要求。
[Abstract]:The new clean and renewable secondary energy has the advantages of high working voltage, high energy density, light weight, low internal resistance, long life, no memory and so on. This is mainly used in consumer electronics. Thanks to the rapid development of smartphones and tablets, the future replacement of batteries for electric vehicles and the broad market for new energy vehicles, The market space for lithium batteries will be further expanded. However, the safer and more efficient use of lithium batteries will require further study. Due to the limitations of the chemical characteristics of lithium batteries, the batteries will have practical problems such as aging, overcharging, overdischarge, etc. How to protect and use lithium battery to the maximum extent has become a hot topic in the society. This paper mainly designs an accurate electricity monitoring system based on lithium battery application, and designs the circuit of current monitoring module based on this system. In this paper, the working principle, chemical characteristics and protection circuit design principle of lithium battery are described in depth. These characteristics are the core of the physical principle in the design of accurate electric quantity monitoring system. In this paper, the system design idea of accurately monitoring lithium battery quantity is expounded, and the design principle of the top layer of the system is analyzed in depth, including: transient judgment, updating of impedance database, Initialize the parameter value and calculate the accurate quantity of electricity. Then, the related circuit is designed for the current monitoring module of the system. The circuit includes: current sampling circuit, low frequency oscillator, High frequency oscillators and digital control circuits. This circuit samples the current by introducing a sensitive resistor into the external power supply loop of the lithium battery. A clock controlled switched capacitor operational amplifier and a high speed comparator are used to realize the conversion from analog signal to digital signal. The low frequency oscillator and high frequency oscillator provide the clock signal for the circuit. In order to provide accurate reference signal to achieve the best working state, the circuit is modified by capacitance. Finally, the designed clock and current sampling circuit is simulated by using H-Spice simulation software using SMIC 0.13 渭 m CMOS technology and 2.5 V power supply voltage. The clock includes a low frequency oscillator, a high frequency oscillator and a digital logic circuit. The current sampling circuit includes an operational amplifier, a bias circuit and a high speed comparator. The current monitoring circuit of the system can accurately simulate the sampling current into digital signal output, which meets the requirements of lithium battery application field.


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