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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-09 17:34
[Abstract]:At present, circulating cooling water system is widely used in power plant. However, during the operation of the circulating cooling water system, scaling, metal corrosion and microbial growth will occur in the circulating cooling water system. In order to ensure the normal operation of circulating cooling water system, circulating water must be treated. The traditional chemical water treatment method is to add a large number of chemical agents to the circulating water to achieve the effect of scale and scale inhibition, bactericidal and algal control and corrosion inhibition. This requires a large amount of chemical costs, and the input of chemical agents will cause environmental pollution, which not only causes a great economic burden to power plants, but also does not meet the requirements of the national policy of energy saving and emission reduction. In order to solve the above problems, this paper presents a system which uses pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment device to treat circulating water and monitor the process of water treatment, that is, pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment monitoring system. Pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment device is a new type of physical water treatment device, which consists of two parts: high voltage pulse power supply and water treatment chamber. As the driving power of the water treatment chamber, the high voltage pulse power supply will produce a high voltage pulse electric field between the stainless steel rod in the water treatment chamber and the shell of the equipment, thus realizing the water treatment through the circulating water. The pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment device is simple in operation, low in operating cost and no pollution to the environment. It can effectively solve the above problems existing in the circulating cooling water system, and has good sterilization effect and low power consumption. In this paper, the structure of the water treatment chamber is designed, and the distribution of the electric field intensity in the insulating layer and the circulating water is understood by analyzing the electric field intensity inside the water treatment chamber. The electric field distribution inside the water treatment chamber is simulated by ANSYS finite element analysis software, so that the design of stainless steel rod and the optimum diameter of circulating water channel can be realized. Secondly, the high voltage DC power supply circuit, the trigger pulse control circuit and the high voltage pulse generation circuit are designed. According to the functional requirements of the pulsed high voltage electrostatic water treatment monitoring system, this paper designs and studies the pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment monitoring system from the two aspects of hardware and software. In the hardware design of the monitoring system, PLC is used as the controller to control the amplitude of the pulse power supply, and the data parameters of temperature, polarizability and vacuum are collected, and the data is uploaded to the monitoring software by wireless communication module. The upper computer monitoring software is designed by VB. The functions of data preservation, data query, curve display, alarm record, abnormal data alarm and so on are realized by the upper computer software. Finally, it is proved by experiments that the pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment device designed in this paper can play a good role in scale prevention, scale removal, bactericidal and algae killing, and the upper computer software can display, save and print the parameters in the cooling water system. The parameters of the water treatment device can be adjusted by the upper computer and the touch screen, and the monitoring function of the pulse high voltage electrostatic water treatment can be realized.


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