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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-09 16:33
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power electronics technology, the sensitive load in power grid is increasing day by day. The guarantee of power quality is the premise of safe and economical production of power grid, and voltage sag is a frequent power quality problem in the power network, which has a wide range of spread and high degree of harm. At present, dynamic voltage restorer is one of the most effective methods to restrain voltage sag. Firstly, according to the principle of dynamic voltage restorer, the topology of dynamic voltage restorer is studied. Among them, several typical topologies of dynamic voltage restorer are introduced, and the characteristics and applications of different types of topologies are analyzed. On this basis, the mathematical description of the dynamic voltage restorer is carried out, and the corresponding mathematical model is established, and the equivalent transfer function of the dynamic voltage restorer is obtained. Secondly, in the aspect of voltage detection, the single-phase 偽 尾 -dq Parker transform voltage amplitude and phase angle detection method based on the derivation method is adopted. This algorithm is suitable for the detection of single-phase voltage, and the calculation is relatively small. For the separation of positive and negative zero-sequence voltages, the positive-negative sequence separation is separated based on the bidirectional rotation Pike transform, and the three-phase superposition method is used for the zero-sequence separation. In the aspect of phase locking technology, the principle of open loop phase locking and closed loop phase locking are analyzed respectively. Then, for the control loop of dynamic voltage restorer, the compound control strategy under the control of proportional resonance controller is adopted, and the advantages of the control strategy are analyzed through the frequency domain characteristic curve of the control strategy. At the same time, the proportional resonance controller is improved to make its frequency selection more flexible, so it has harmonic compensation function. Finally, through MATLAB/Simulink modeling and simulation, based on the compound control strategy, the simulation experiments of voltage drop, phase shift and harmonic interference compensation are carried out respectively, and the rationality of the control strategy is verified. At the same time, combined with the application status of DVR in practical engineering, the practical and economical application of DVR in restraining voltage sag is demonstrated.


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