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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-09 13:36
【摘要】:為了更準確地研究油浸式變壓器溫度場分布,考慮磁場損耗分布不均勻性和溫度對媒質物性參數(shù)的影響,提出一種基于非平均熱源的多物理場耦合計算方法。該方法結合了有限體積法和有限元法的優(yōu)點,采用有限體積法分析變壓器流場分布,采用有限元法研究變壓器溫度場分布,并在有限體積法和有限元法中分別加入迎風格式,可有效避免計算過程中產(chǎn)生的非物理振蕩。通過數(shù)據(jù)映射方法,將磁場損耗分布映射到溫度場的計算網(wǎng)格中,得到溫度場分析的非平均熱源。針對換流變壓器2維簡化模型,分別用該算法和多物理場仿真軟件Comsol計算了流體場和溫度場,2種方法得到的速度峰值最高差≤0.03 m/s,最高溫度相差≤3 K,驗證了該算法的有效性。此外,還對比分析了平均熱源和非平均熱源條件下的溫度場分布,分析結果表明,與平均熱源方法相比,非平均熱源的計算結果與理論分析更相符,可為變壓器的壽命預估與熱點預測提供參考。
[Abstract]:In order to study the temperature field distribution of oil-immersed transformer more accurately and considering the influence of the nonuniformity of magnetic field loss distribution and temperature on the parameters of medium properties, a multi-physical field coupling calculation method based on non-average heat source is proposed. This method combines the advantages of the finite volume method and the finite element method. The finite volume method is used to analyze the flow field distribution of the transformer, the finite element method is used to study the temperature field distribution of the transformer, and the upwind scheme is added to the finite volume method and the finite element method respectively. The non-physical oscillation can be avoided effectively. By using the data mapping method, the magnetic field loss distribution is mapped to the computational grid of the temperature field, and the non-average heat source for the temperature field analysis is obtained. According to the simplified 2-D model of converter transformer, the maximum difference of velocity peak value is less than 0.03 m / s and the maximum temperature difference is less than 3 K by using the algorithm and the multi-physical field simulation software Comsol, respectively. The validity of the algorithm is verified. In addition, the distribution of temperature field under the condition of average heat source and non-average heat source is compared. The results show that the calculation result of non-average heat source is more consistent with the theoretical analysis than that of the average heat source method. It can provide reference for transformer life prediction and hot spot prediction.
【作者單位】: 華北電力大學河北省輸變電設備安全防御重點實驗室;特變電工沈陽變壓器集團有限公司;華北電力大學新能源電力系統(tǒng)國家重點實驗室;
【基金】:國家自然科學基金(51407075) 河北省自然科學基金(E2015502004) 中央高;究蒲袠I(yè)務費專項資金(2015MS79)~~


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