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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-09 12:47
[Abstract]:With the development and progress of human society, induction heating technology has gradually stepped onto the stage of people's work and life. As a new type of heating, induction heating has many advantages, such as energy saving, environmental protection, intelligence and convenience, and is widely used in the fields of heat permeation, metal melting and so on. On the basis of studying a large number of domestic and foreign literatures, this paper analyzes the topology of induction heating power supply, studies the control strategy of power supply, and gives the modeling and simulation of power supply combined with MATLAB/Simulink. Finally, the experimental prototype of 600W/180kHz induction heating power supply is designed to verify the correctness and feasibility of the theory. First, the background of induction heating is investigated. On the basis of comparing the development of induction heating at home and abroad, analyzing the development trend of induction heating, introducing the working principle of induction heating and expounding the three effects affecting heating, the advantages of induction heating compared with traditional heating are obtained. Secondly, the induction heating power supply, the core technology of induction heating, is studied. By analyzing and comparing the operation mode, merits and demerits of series and parallel resonance of induction heating power supply, as well as various power regulation modes, this paper chooses inductive phase shift power modulation series resonant inverter as the research object. The phase locking of output voltage and current of power supply is realized by phase locked loop technology. Thirdly, modeling and simulation of induction heating power supply under MATLAB/Simulink. The main circuit parameters of induction heating power supply are designed with capacity of 600W / 180kHz. The inductive phase shift modulation is chosen as the power control mode, and the phase discriminator is chosen as the phase locked loop (PLL) structure. The frequency loop is realized by PI controller and the power loop is realized by anti-saturation PI. Then the simulation results verify the correctness of the theory. Finally, the software and hardware platform of induction heating power supply is designed. MOSFET is used as inverter switch and TI high speed DSP chip TMS320F28335 is used to realize power frequency and power double closed loop control. Debug the DSP program in CCS, and verify the feasibility of the theory by the experimental results.


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