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發(fā)布時間:2019-07-06 14:50
[Abstract]:After the reform and opening up, under the guidance of national policy, a series of system innovation and policy reform have been carried out in small cities, including cities and towns, and the rapid economic growth has been realized. It has gradually become an important support for building a well-off society in an all-round way and an important force to promote the process of urbanization. At the same time, with the rapid economic growth is the rapid increase in the number of urban motor vehicles and the change of demand for travel mode, due to the single traffic structure of small cities and the lagging construction of parking facilities, the contradiction between parking demand and parking facilities supply is becoming increasingly prominent. Facing the same contradiction between supply and demand, there is no systematic and scientific planning and management system and no targeted parking facilities planning and layout method compared with large and medium-sized cities. In this context, some small cities do not take any measures to develop in the face of parking problems, and some small cities are guided by parking demand and blindly meet the parking demands. the final result of the two ways of dealing with the problem is the operation efficiency of the whole traffic system and the decrease of road network service level. How to develop parking in small cities under the new situation has become an urgent and realistic problem. Through data collection and investigation and statistics, this paper first analyzes the traffic characteristics of small cities from three aspects: network layout structure characteristics, traffic composition characteristics and residents' travel characteristics, and studies the parking characteristics of small cities from three angles: parking behavior characteristics, parking facilities utilization characteristics and parking vehicle types. Secondly, combined with the parking statistics of typical small cities, this paper analyzes the distribution and utilization characteristics of five kinds of parking facilities, including residential areas, hotel trade outlets, public parking lots, parking spaces along roads and institutions. On this basis, the outstanding problems of parking system in small cities are sorted out, and the causes of parking problems are deeply explored. Then combined with the new urbanization strategy, the development direction of parking system in small cities under the new urbanization strategy is discussed, and the parking planning and management system of small cities under the new urbanization strategy is constructed. Finally, the five aspects of the planning level of the management system are studied: the forecasting method of parking demand in small cities is put forward, the concept of district parking control method is introduced, the urban area is divided into strict control area, moderate control area and coordinated development area, and the traffic development mode and parking management measures of each district are put forward. On the basis of the concept of district parking control, the allocation index of parking lot is revised from three angles of economy, geography and traffic characteristics, and in order to control the influence of parking facilities on dynamic traffic, a dynamic and dynamic coordination method of parking facilities layout is put forward. Aiming at the parking lot layout, this paper puts forward the method of cooperative layout of on-road and off-road parking facilities. Based on the analysis of the constraint conditions and the main parameters, the location model of the in-road parking lot is constructed with the goal of the minimum total parking distance, and the location model of the off-road public parking lot is constructed with the goal of the lowest total cost.


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