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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-06 12:50
【摘要】:列車通過橋梁時(shí),會(huì)對(duì)橋梁產(chǎn)生動(dòng)力沖擊作用,而橋梁的振動(dòng)反過來又會(huì)引發(fā)車輛振動(dòng),這就是車橋耦合振動(dòng)問題。當(dāng)前,我國正處于軌道交通建設(shè)的高峰期,大量的鐵路橋梁需要進(jìn)行車橋耦合動(dòng)力分析,以對(duì)其進(jìn)行評(píng)估和優(yōu)化。而傳統(tǒng)的車橋耦合動(dòng)力計(jì)算實(shí)現(xiàn)方法相對(duì)復(fù)雜,對(duì)研究人員的能力要求較高。所以,選擇一款應(yīng)用性廣,通用性強(qiáng)的結(jié)構(gòu)分析軟件來求解車橋耦合振動(dòng)問題對(duì)于車橋耦合理論在實(shí)際工程中的應(yīng)用和推廣具有重要意義。本文以此為出發(fā)點(diǎn),建立了基于ANSYS的車橋耦合動(dòng)力計(jì)算方法。主要工作如下:(1)分析了 27個(gè)自由度的車輛系統(tǒng)理論模型,然后詳細(xì)解釋了車輛系統(tǒng)動(dòng)力平衡方程的推導(dǎo)過程,最終獲得了車輛系統(tǒng)的剛度矩陣、阻尼矩陣和車橋系統(tǒng)動(dòng)力平衡方程組。此外,本文還介紹一種方便使用且物理意義明確的車橋耦合系統(tǒng)求解方法——全過程迭代法。(2)以MASS21單元模擬車體、轉(zhuǎn)向架和輪對(duì),以COMBIN14單元模擬車輛彈簧和阻尼,然后通過MPC184單元進(jìn)行剛性連接,最終建立了基于ANSYS的車輛有限元模型。經(jīng)ANSYS模態(tài)分析,獲得車輛有限元模型前15階自振頻率,與理論自振頻率完全一致,驗(yàn)證了此車輛有限元模型的正確性。以CRH2動(dòng)車通過鐵路32m簡支梁橋?yàn)橛?jì)算實(shí)例,建立了基于ANSYS的車橋耦合動(dòng)力計(jì)算方法,并求得此車橋系統(tǒng)的動(dòng)力響應(yīng)。通過與基于MATLAB編程求解的車橋系統(tǒng)動(dòng)力響應(yīng)進(jìn)行對(duì)比,兩者基本吻合,驗(yàn)證了基于ANSYS的車橋耦合動(dòng)力計(jì)算方法的可行性和準(zhǔn)確性。(3)采用基于ANSYS的車橋耦合動(dòng)力計(jì)算方法對(duì)蔚汾河特大橋主橋進(jìn)行車橋耦合動(dòng)力分析。該橋?yàn)殍F路5跨(70+3×120+70)m剛構(gòu)—連續(xù)梁橋,橋梁全長500m;計(jì)算車輛采用40輛25t軸重貨車編組,車輛編組全長479m。經(jīng)計(jì)算,在75~150km/h車速范圍內(nèi),蔚汾河特大橋主橋的車輛安全性、車輛平穩(wěn)性和橋梁動(dòng)力性能均滿足限值要求。其中在車速125km/h時(shí),蔚汾河特大橋主橋出現(xiàn)拍振現(xiàn)象,豎向動(dòng)力響應(yīng)出現(xiàn)峰值。本文的研究成果表明基于ANSYS的車橋耦合動(dòng)力計(jì)算方法是可行的和準(zhǔn)確的。采用此計(jì)算方法,整個(gè)求解過程都可在ANSYS完成,無需編程,有利于廣大工程技術(shù)人員掌握和使用,對(duì)車橋耦合理論在實(shí)際工程中的應(yīng)用具有一定意義。
[Abstract]:When the train passes through the bridge, it will have a dynamic impact on the bridge, and the vibration of the bridge in turn will cause vehicle vibration, which is the problem of vehicle-bridge coupling vibration. At present, China is in the peak period of rail transit construction, a large number of railway bridges need to carry out vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic analysis in order to evaluate and optimize it. However, the traditional method of vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic calculation is relatively complex, and the ability of researchers is required. Therefore, it is of great significance to select a widely applied and universal structural analysis software to solve the vehicle-bridge coupling vibration problem for the application and popularization of vehicle-bridge coupling theory in practical engineering. Based on this, a vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic calculation method based on ANSYS is established in this paper. The main work is as follows: (1) the theoretical model of vehicle system with 27 degrees of freedom is analyzed, and then the derivation process of dynamic balance equation of vehicle system is explained in detail. Finally, the stiffness matrix, damping matrix and dynamic balance equations of vehicle system are obtained. In addition, this paper also introduces a convenient and clear physical meaning vehicle-bridge coupling system solution method-the whole process iterative method. (2) MASS21 element is used to simulate the car body, bogie and wheelset, COMBIN14 element is used to simulate vehicle spring and damping, and then rigid connection is carried out by MPC184 element. Finally, the vehicle finite element model based on ANSYS is established. Through ANSYS modal analysis, the first 15 natural vibration frequencies of the vehicle finite element model are obtained, which is completely consistent with the theoretical natural vibration frequency, and the correctness of the vehicle finite element model is verified. Taking CRH2 train passing through railway 32m simply supported beam bridge as an example, a vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic calculation method based on ANSYS is established, and the dynamic response of the vehicle-bridge system is obtained. By comparing with the dynamic response of the vehicle-bridge system based on MATLAB programming, the feasibility and accuracy of the vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic calculation method based on ANSYS are verified. (3) the vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic analysis of the main bridge of Weifen River Bridge is carried out by using the vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic calculation method based on ANSYS. The bridge is a railway 5-span (703 脳 12070) m rigid-continuous beam bridge with a total length of 500m, and 40 25t axle load trucks are used to group the vehicles, and the total length of the vehicle marshalling is 479m. It is calculated that the vehicle safety, vehicle stability and bridge dynamic performance of the main bridge of Weifen River Bridge meet the limit requirements within the 75~150km/h speed range. At the speed of 125km/h, the main bridge of Weifen River Bridge has the phenomenon of beat vibration and the peak value of vertical dynamic response. The research results of this paper show that the vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic calculation method based on ANSYS is feasible and accurate. By using this calculation method, the whole solution process can be completed in ANSYS without programming, which is helpful for the majority of engineering and technical personnel to master and use, and has certain significance for the application of vehicle-bridge coupling theory in practical engineering.


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