
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 路橋論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-06-25 20:05
[Abstract]:In recent years, landslides and landslides often occur in high fill embankment in China, which is closely related to unreasonable embankment design method. Although the calculation of limit equilibrium theory and vertical slice method is simple at present, there are two defects. (1) the probability of failure of high fill embankment can not be estimated; (2) the calculation method of seismic force, especially horizontal seismic force, is unreasonable, which leads to inaccurate calculation of safety factor. In order to solve the above two problems, this paper puts forward the calculation model of slope failure probability and the improved quasi-static method model according to the design requirements of high fill embankment from dry field to Tex section of national highway G577 line. The calculation equation of safety factor is established by taking the anti-skid force and sliding force in the high fill embankment as two independent random variables. On the basis of this equation, the probability of slope failure is analyzed by using the slope failure probability calculation model and applied to the dry field to Tex section of the national highway G577 line. At the same time, the main defects of the traditional quasi-static method in seismic dynamic analysis are analyzed in this paper. On this basis, the quasi-static method is improved by horizontal section to avoid the defects of the traditional quasi-static method, which provides a theoretical basis for engineering application. Finally, taking the dry field to Tex section of National Highway G577 as the research object, combined with the topography and geomorphology, climate, water system distribution, hydrogeological conditions, geological structure and strata lithology, the normal working condition stability reliability model and seismic quasi-static method analysis model suitable for the high fill embankment of G577 national highway are put forward, and the accuracy of the two models is verified by an example. The results show that the calculation model of slope failure probability can accurately estimate the failure probability of slope. At the same time, it is proposed that only when the safety factor N1.2 and the probability of slope failure are less than 1.25%, the high fill embankment can not cause instability failure in the whole life cycle. The improved quasi-static method avoids the unreasonable value of ai by horizontal segmentation, and calculates the slope safety factor under seismic force better. In the future, the probability calculation model of slope failure and the improved quasi-static method model should be applied to more high fill embankment design to further verify its accuracy.


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