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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-26 17:53
[Abstract]:Ground subsidence is one of the most concerned engineering problems in the construction of shield tunneling, which is related to the normal operation of adjacent buildings and the normal construction of shield. Therefore, the paper takes the ground subsidence as the key target to study the parameters of metro shield. The shield parameters which affect the surface settlement are summarized as the pressure ratio of excavated surface support and the elastic modulus of the equivalent layer. On this basis, taking the Nanmen-Houjiatang section of Changsha Metro Line 1 as the engineering background, the construction process under different shield parameters is numerically simulated by using FLAC~ (3D) software. The influence of the pressure ratio of excavated face support and the elastic modulus of equivalent layer on the surface settlement is analyzed, and the suggested values of shield parameters in the study section are put forward. At the same time, the range of ground subsidence and the maximum value of surface settlement are obtained under the recommended shield parameters. It provides theoretical basis and method reference for the selection of shield construction parameters of Changsha metro construction and other urban subway construction.
【作者單位】: 西南交通大學地質(zhì)工程系;中鐵十六局集團地鐵工程有限公司;中鐵十六局北京軌道交通工程建設(shè)有限公司;


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8 李君e,




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