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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-26 13:23
[Abstract]:The increasing number of motor vehicles leads to the increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand. As an effective means to adjust the space-time distribution of traffic flow and improve the capacity of road network, traffic information service is widely used in urban traffic management. The research shows that about 80% of the information is closely related to the location in real life, so the combination of location service and traffic information service has become the development trend of traffic information service. The active push model of traffic information based on LBS will effectively solve the problem of information overload in traffic environment, reduce the waste of time and resources of travelers, and alleviate the contradiction between traffic supply and demand. With the help of the proposed fusion location algorithm to provide location information, this paper proposes an active push model of traffic information based on LBS, and completes the overall design of active push system and the design of software and hardware. Combining two kinds of active push scenarios, the validity of the active push model is verified. Firstly, this paper summarizes the status quo of information push and location acquisition at home and abroad, and puts forward the research content and technical route of this paper. Then, on the basis of introducing the architecture and key technologies of the location service system, this paper summarizes and analyzes the current situation and problems of the application of the transportation information service system at home and abroad. Then, by analyzing the shortcomings of the existing localization methods and making full use of the complementary characteristics of each localization method in time and space, a fusion localization algorithm based on BP neural network is proposed. The GPS,DR, is realized by using Kalman filter and quantum particle swarm optimization (QPSO). Multi-source fusion localization of WIFI; Based on the location information provided by the fusion location algorithm, an active push model based on push state, push priority, push intensity and push time is designed from the point of view of location service. In order to verify the validity of the model, the active push system is constructed, and the hardware, software and database design of the system are given in detail. Finally, based on the design of the active push system, the proposed fusion location algorithm and the active push model are verified by the actual vehicle, considering the push content design accident early warning, the road situation hint two kinds of scenarios, The validity of the push model is verified by analyzing the characteristic parameters of the active push model. The distribution characteristics of active push response time and the sensitivity of push distance and travel speed to response time are analyzed. The experimental results show that compared with the other two localization algorithms, the accuracy of the proposed fusion localization algorithm is increased by 87.06% and 68.71%, respectively. It can provide effective location information for active push model. The designed active push system can provide real-time traffic information service based on LBS for vehicles within 1-3s, and the system can adjust the active information service strategy in real time with vehicle location, road network familiarity and driving speed. In addition, the sensitivity analysis of the characteristic parameters of the active push model shows that the push distance and the driving speed have an effect on the response time, and the response time increases slowly first and then steadily with the increase of the push distance. The driving speed also presents the similar influence law. With the increase of driving speed and push distance, the response time increases and approaches to 3 s.


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