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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-26 10:38
[Abstract]:At present, suspension bridge and cable-stayed bridge are the main type of long span bridge, and steel box girder is the main deck structure system of long span bridge. Now most of the steel box girders are orthotropic steel bridge panel structure, orthotropic steel bridge panel is composed of longitudinal, transverse vertical stiffening ribs, and together with the bridge deck plate to bear the wheel load of the whole structure. It has a series of advantages, such as light weight, less material, large ultimate bearing capacity and short construction period. Therefore, the deck slab structure of this structure is widely used in the construction of long-span bridges as a part of steel box girder. With the rapid development of highway and railway in our country, orthotropic steel bridge face is widely used in highway bridge and railway bridge by virtue of its superior structural form. However, due to the complexity of the stress on orthotropic steel bridge face, and the continuous improvement and development of its structural form, along with the stress concentration and the appearance of welding defects, fatigue failure is easy to occur. For example, the bridge deck will cause cumulative damage under the repeated action of various vehicle loads. Because the steel bridge face plate is directly subjected to the local action of the vehicle, the stress effect line is short. After a vehicle is driven, it will cause many stress cycles, plus the stress concentration in the welding place and the welding defects. Steel bridge panels are prone to fatigue cracking. Therefore, the fatigue problem of orthotropic steel bridge panels has been a key problem in highway and railway bridges for a long time. Fatigue cracks have been found in existing bridges in countries such as Japan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, which used steel bridge panels earlier. Researchers all over the world have carried out extensive and in-depth research on fatigue failure examples of steel bridges. The results show that fatigue checking of steel bridges, especially orthotropic steel bridge panels, is a key task. It includes the stress calculation, structural analysis, fatigue strength, fatigue checking method and vehicle load spectrum of orthotropic steel bridge panel. In this paper, the finite element software ANSYS is used to simulate the plate of orthotropic steel bridge of steel box girder, and the key parameters, such as the shape of arc notch, the thickness of roof and the thickness of transverse partition, are analyzed. In this paper, the stress state of the cross weld between transverse diaphragm and U rib is studied. The results show that the shape of the overwelded hole has a significant effect on the stress, the roof has little effect on the stress at the weld seam intersection, and the thickness of the transverse diaphragm has a great effect on the fatigue crack. Based on the analysis of the stress distribution at the weld end and the edge of the overwelded hole, the equivalent stress amplitude of each concerned point is calculated by using the Miner linear cumulative damage criterion. Through comparison, it is found that, for the weld end of the overwelded hole, The equivalent stress amplitude of highway standard is larger than that of railway standard. The opposite is true for weld edges of overwelded holes. In addition, some measures have been taken to improve the stress concentration at the weld end of the overwelded hole, and the stress concentration can be effectively alleviated by optimizing the structure of the overwelded hole.


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